Midway 2019 (Part 1)

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The scene started with text appearing (by the way, this movie will be changed with some things like the Japanese replaced with Sirens)

"This is a true account of events that led to the most important naval battle in Azur Lane history. One single day that changed the tide of the War against the sirens."

The scene changes revealing the place to be in Sakura Empire territory

We see some grass and water, until a net comes by and a man tries to catch some birds with it. The scene reveals one man with a Royal Navy uniform and another with Eagle union uniform.

"Wait, boys exist in that universe?" Warspite said curiously

"It seems so, wonder what they're doing in the Sakura Empire though" Queen Elizabeth said

The person who was watching laughs as the commander says

"This is bloody ridiculous"

"Wasn't the Royal Navy built out of ridiculous traditions?"

"Don't defend the Sakura Empire Commander Layton. You might respect and know their culture but they still think you're a barbarian" The Royal Navy commander spoke

"Be honest, you won't miss the beauty of this Empire when you're gone?" Layton spoke as the scene changes to a nearby tower with Zuikaku and Shoukaku nearby trying to catch some birds as well and the screen shows text saying

"December 4, 1937

Kiyosumi Garden, Tokyo"

"We're there!" Zuikaku shouts excitedly

"I can see that Zuizui" Shoukaku says

The royal navy commander continued to speak with Layton looking at him

"The next time I see those stupid Sakura animals, then I hope it's through the sights of a 14-inch gun"

"Well that's just rude!" Zuikaku yelled not just for her self but for the entire Sakura Empire

The Sakura Empire shipgirls nod, wondering if that's how the Royal Navy thought of them

Layton looks back to Zuikaku and Shoukaku and sees Zuikaku catching a bird

(In Japanese) "Wonderful catch Zuikaku-san!" Layton yells

Shoukaku looks at Layton with a smile and bows in thanks

(At least he's respectful) The Sakura Empire shipgirls thought

The scene changes again in a big meeting room revealing a lot of Sakura Empire Commanders and Shipgirls (the secretaries) some of them being Akagi, Kaga, etc.

"Gentlemen, on behalf of the Royal Navy I wish to thank Commander Yamamoto for this invitation. May our nations work together for a continuous era of peace on the seas." The Royal Navy commander from earlier spoke as he raises his wine glass with the Sakura Empire commanders and shipgirls following right after as they all drink

The shipgirls smile, liking how these commanders are trying their best to further strengthen relations between different factions

Scene changes again with Commander Yamamoto and Layton in a separate room with multiple pictures of shipgirls with their riggings

(In Japanese)

"You don't like Whiskey?" Yamamoto asked

"I could ask you the same question, Commander, I have it on good authority that your glass is filled with cold Sake?" Layton replied

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