Transformers 2007 (Final - First Half)

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Chapter starts

Act Twenty-One:

Frenzy climbs out of Mikaela's bag when she wasn't looking and slid down the walls of Hoover Dam

"Slippery little fella, I actually forgot he existed" Nevada says

"Team attention! Present arms!" Lennox commands as he and his team salute to Secretary Keller as he walked down

"At ease. Captain, Sergeant . Excellent work" John Keller says

"Thank you, sir. What about the gunships?" Lennox asks

"They're being retrofitted with sabot rounds now. If they hit us again, we'll be ready for them. But, uh, it won't do us much good if we can't get world communications back up" John Keller says

Agent Simmons is seen again

There was quite a lot of negativity

"Crazy and obsessed... like me kinda... but he was just doing his job... however he could've communicated more with the Autobots..." Akagi says

"Hey, kid. I think we got off to a bad start, huh?" Agent Simmons asks

Everyone fake laughs

"Well... erm... f*ck off. You jerk" Blucher says as almost everyone frowns

"You must be hungry? You want a latte? Ho-Ho? Double venti macchiato?" Agent Simmons asks

"Food does kinda calm down those who are angry..." Dunkerque says

"Where's Bumblebee?" Sam asks

Everyone is not surprised

"Imagine in horror movies, the entire movie would've been prevented if someone just did nothing or just listened" Blucher suddenly says

"Son, I need you to listen to me very carefully. People can die here. We need to know everything you know. We need to know it now" Banachek says

"Good point, continue with that" Sheffield says

"Okay. But first, I'll take my guardian, my parents. Maybe you should write that down. Oh, and her juvie record. That's got to be gone. Like, forever" Sam says

Mikaela looks at Sam

"That expression is definitely 'Oh ma gah, I love ya'." Hornet says

"Sam certainly won some points..." Enterprise says

"Come with me. We'll talk about your... 'guardian'." Banachek says

"Man's an extortionist..." Agent Simmons mumbles

Everyone chuckles

"All right, here's the situation. You've all had direct contact with the N.B.E.s" Agent Simmons says as he led the group into the Dam base

"N.B.E.s?" Epps asks

"Non-Biological Extraterrestrials. Try and keep up with the acronyms" Agent Simmons states

The scene then cuts to inside Hoover Dam

"What you're about to see is totally classified!" Banachek says

Megatron's frozen form in his stasis lock

"Dear God. What is this?" Secretary Keller asks

Ominous music is heard

"What if we tell you that dude has a bucket for a head and a tyrannical leader of an entire faction from another planet" Essex says

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