The Bad Guys Are The Good Guys

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~ Then God said, "Let us make human beings in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground." ~ Genesis 1:26

I've got another chapter in! Yay!

Spring break is literally two weeks away...


"The bad guys go bust!" Tiffany announces, the crowd watching as the bad guys are escorted down the red carpet, helicopters and police cars surrounding the building. "The nefarious five-some has finally been captured.

"And I, Tiffany Fluffit," she winks at the camera, "am first on the scene!"

"Wow." The Chief lets out a awed and disbelieving scoff, running a hand through her hair as she held onto Wolf's collar with other. "You know, I-I just realized that I have devoted my entire adult life to putting you in jail."

Wolf coughs uncomfortably when she suddenly lifts him up, his feet dangling as he side-eyes her with a frown at her words. "You are my purpose, without you, who am I?"

She drops the whimper face almost immediately, "Ah, I'm just kidding!" She cackled as she drops him back on his feet, shaking him by his shoulders with a large grin. "This is the best moment of my life!"

The Chief slaps him on the back, earning a pained wince from Wolf whilst she throws an arm around him and grabs his chin— using the other to wave her arm out. "It's the end of the Bad Guys!"

At the end of the red carpet, Shark was the first to enter the armored vehicle as the policemen opened the doors, "No!" his disguise was ruined as he tried to drag his feet to avoid going in— resulting in getting pushed in forcibly.

"Get you hands off of me!" Piranha's voice was muffled due to the metal guard around his mouth, punishment for biting and trying to bite many of the cops for putting their disgusting justice-eating hands on him.

As he was just thrown in with a yelp, the male cops handling Webs were having a bad day, fearful as she kicked and wiggled, glaring at the one holding her cuffed hand behind her back. "Oh, you're begging for a punch right now!" The male next to her dropped to his knees with a pained groan, holding his family jewels when Webs managed to hit the wonderful target between his legs— his partner feeling extremely sorry for him as he dragged the girl in the vehicle.

Snake had a devastating frown on his face, chains wrapped around his waist and ankles, looking back last minute as the female cop pushed him in by his back. "Wolf!"

Wolf didn't reply, but his face managed to drop even more as his eyes dragged down pitifully to his feet, wondering why he acted up answer ruined the entire plan.

"Madam Governor! Madam Governor!"

"Professor Marmalade! Please!"

"Secretary Foxington! Just a few questions!"

"Just a minute of your time!"

He turned his head to look at the frantic journalists begging for an interview from Diane, cameras flashing and voices overlapping as (Y/N) glared at them to back off— her arm acting as a shield as Diane tried to her best to calm them down.

"One at a time." She said, holding out her hand in a soft gesture. "One at a time."

"Don't be rude, you degenerates" (Y/N) ordered, making the once-cocky journalists freeze as her eyes twitched irritably. "I want a single-file line."

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