12.Good Soldiers Follow Orders

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"Let's get this over with." Wrecker said, squinting his eyes in pain. He was having another headache. He groans.

Echo takes Wrecker's helmet off while Tech removes his backpack so he can lay flat in the surgical pod.

Tech places the scanning headpiece on Wrecker, then presses a few buttons on his device. Wrecker's brain scan begins to load onto the device.

Alona leaned up against the wall with Hunter, staying out of Tech and Echo's way.

Omega comes over with a scared look on her face. She was nervously picking at her fingers. "Hunter, just because the surgery worked on Rex, doesn't mean it's safe. This is dangerous."

Rex came over, taking his helmet off and holding it in one hand. "It's more dangerous to leave their inhibitor chips in."

Hunter took his helmet and backpack off, placing it in the pile with Tech, Wrecker, and Echo's gear. "We have to do this. It's worth the risk."

"And what if something goes wrong? Alona and I would be left here...with no one."

Alona's face dropped. She hadn't thought of that. It wouldn't be the first time her nor Omega would be left alone, but for some reason this time felt worse. The girls needed them.

Hunter kneeled down in front of Omega, placing his hands on her shoulders. "We're not going anywhere, Omega. You're stuck with us for the long run. Got it?" He asked. Omega nodded with tears in her eyes.

"I think I found something." Tech announces.

Alona takes a deep breath and walks over with the others.

Tech shows everyone the scan. "Ninety degrees from his right orbital floor, below the parietal and temporal intersection-" He gets cut off.

"Get that away from me." Wrecker seethes, pushing the device away and removing the head piece. He started groaning profusely. Alona frowned at him.

Omega turned from her place beside Wrecker. "Something's not right." She warns.

"We need to speed this up." Rex says urgently. Was it happening? Echo powers up the surgical pod. "You boys got lucky. Very few clones were immune to the effects of Order 66. It's...rare."

Hunter nodded. "When the regs attacked the Jedi on Kaller, we didn't understand why. We couldn't save General Billaba, but at least we helped the padawan and Alona escape." He said quietly, placing a hand on Alona's shoulder.

Alona wondered where Caleb was now. If he found somewhere safe to go. She missed having him around.

"Relax, this won't hurt a bit." Tech tells Wrecker, moving onto the next step of the process. He reaches for Wrecker, but the larger clone grabs his wrist tightly, stopping him from going through with it.

Alona moves protectively in front of Omega. "Hunter, Rex." She warns. Wrecker wraps his other hand around Tech's throat, squeezing hard.

"Wrecker-" Tech chokes.

"You're in direct violation of Order 66." Wrecker says in a low tone, throwing Tech.

He hits the wall, falling unconscious. Alona gasps, picking Omega up and placing her into Hunter's arms, He turns his back to shield the child.

Rex reaches for his blaster, pointing it at Wrecker and switching it to stun. He presses the trigger the same time Wrecker knocks it out of his hand.

"Alona, run!" Hunter yells.

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