37.Free Falling

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"Oh, I'm starting to regret this." Wrecker says squeamishly, looking down at the ground, which was getting increasingly further away.

Hunter adjusted his grip on the metal ladder, his feet dangling over the treetops. He spotted Dooku's castle coming up and he looked to Wrecker and Alona. "We gotta go." He urged.

Wrecker made a confused sound. "Go where?" He questioned, looking down at Hunter in confusion. They were sixty feet off the ground, where the hell were they supposed to go?

"Jump!" Hunter shouted. And without question, the Wrecker followed him. They landed on top of Dooku's castle, quickly realizing they were down a person.

Alona held on tightly to the ladder with her metal hand, giving Hunter and Wrecker a thumbs up as she journeyed higher into the sky on the exterior of the transport. "I got this!" She shouted, continuing to climb the ladder.

"Alona." Hunter growled into the comm.

Alona reached the top of the transport and looked down at the planet, watching Dooku's castle get smaller. "Don't worry, darling. I got this." She chimed innocently, spotting Hunter and Wrecker, who looked like ants from this height.

"Hunter, where are you? Alona?" Omega asked, her adolescent voice chiming.

"Sorry, kid. Wrecker and I got a little sidetracked. But Alona's on top of the transport. All of you need to get off that ship before it jumps to hyperspace." Hunter replied with a faintly annoyed tone. Alona knew she would get an earful after this mission.

"No, really? I was planning on setting camp up here, maybe do some meditating." Alona chirped, a smirk spreading across her face. She felt her scar stretch.

"If we gain access to the ship's main hold, we could commandeer an escape pod." Tech chimed quickly.

"Do it. We'll get to the Marauder and recover you." Hunter replied.

Alona looked across the ship, squinting her eyes in thought. "What if we commandeer the ship instead? I could have this place under my command in five minutes, tops." She suggested, knowing they'd probably become the richest people in the galaxy with this entire portion of the war chest connected to the ship.

"Don't do that." Hunter said gruffly. Alona sighed and replied with a disappointed yes, and then headed towards the ceiling trapdoor, using the Force to unlock it, and then climbed inside.

Alona landed on her feet and was instantly met with three blasters pointed at her. She smiled at Tech and Echo, waving her hands. Tech lowered his singular blaster while Echo lowered both of his.

"Alona!" Omega exclaimed with a smile. Alona smiled at the girl, softly knocking her knuckles against the blonde's helmet/hat thing.

Tech started typing on his datapad and working on the hatch that supposedly was going to lead into the actual ship, where the troopers were standing.

"Are you sure this hatch will lead into the ship?" Omega asked her brother. She shone her flashlight on the hatch so he could see.

Tech spared a short glance to his sister before continuing his work. "If I am incorrect, we will instantly be sucked out and perish." He replied.

Alona grinned, shaking her head. "Wow, that was very comforting." She scoffed sarcastically, placing a comforting hand on Omega's shoulder.

"I am seldom wrong." Tech hums as the hatch slides open, revealing the dimly lit hall of the ship.

"I wish I had your confidence." Alona muttered.

"Congratulate yourself after we escape." Echo quipped to the intelligent clone, shining his flashlight in Tech's eyes. Alona helped the ex-ARC trooper carry the crate of valuables out of the room, following Tech and Omega.

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