Chapter Fithteen

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I stare at myself in the mirror, woah I think to myself.

Today is my big day huh? A date with Yul...might as well take advantage lol!

I hear knocking come from my door Yul! I hurry to put my bag on and quickly answer the door.

"Hey Yu-" he cuts my sentence off with a big hug

"Y/n!~" he says cheerfully, I freeze WOAH WHAT THE WHAT

"O-oh um...hey Yul!" I say, hugging him back, we pull away after a few seconds

"Are you ready to go now?" He says, he's smiling warmly at me.

Something's different....

"Um yeah let's go!".


We arrive at the carnival, I take a look at everything -- it's so beautiful!

We reach the main entrance, "wait for me here okay? I'll go get tickets" Yul says, I nod my head.

What's with him today? Why's he so cheerful and bright?

I stare at the ground and smile a bit to be honest I don't mind...he looks so cute to-

All of a sudden I feel like someone watching me, I look around.

Why? Why do I feel as if I'm being watched? Could it be Yul?

I turn to look at Yul but he's paying for the tickets, then who? I ask myself.

I sense fear and begin to feel anxious, I stare at the ground and try to figure out why I'm feeling this way.

That's when someone taps my shoulder, I flinch and look up at them, it's Yul.

"O-oh- Y/n? Are you okay? I got the tickets..." He asks, his face worried.

I giggle nervously, "h-huh? Oh I'm fine" I say, I look away.

"Hm.." I hear him mumble, "a-anyways, let's go to the Farris wheel yes?" I say pointing at the big wheel a few feet away.

He nods his head and we begin to walk over to it, when we get there we're immediately sat down.

The ride begins and all that there is, is silence.

"Y/n" Yul says finally, I look at him -- he looks worried again.

"You looked...scared earlier, did something happen?" He asks, I shake my head.

"No, I was just being silly..." I say quietly looking away

"Please don't lie to me" he says, he suddenly takes my hand.

I turn to look at him again, he looks so genuinely worried.

"I...want to be there for you were for me..." He says, smiling afterwards.

Ouh that cute face of yours...I cannot resist

"Fine fine, I'll tell you ... There isn't much but, I felt as if someone was watching felt so...I don't know, uncomfortable?".

"I didn't like it so I tried to figure out where it was coming from and...I couldn't find it, it freaked me out I guess".

... Silence ...

Yul gets up, "Y-Yul! You're supposed to be sitting-" he cuts my sentence off as he makes his way over to me.

He sits down right next to me, I can feel my heart begin to pound faster.

He places his head on my shoulder "...I'm so sorry Y/n..." He says quietly

Confused I say "for what? You didn't do anything wrong"

"...I left you by yourself, I should've asked you to come along with me..." he nuzzles into my shoulder.

I begin to feel a bit warm "wh-what? You didn't know and...I'm sure it was just a hallucination!.."

He shakes his head "no Y/n...what if it was real hm? What then?"

I stop and think, he's right .. that feeling usually meant something was wrong... But-

"But I don't want to spoil our 'date ' over something as stupid as a weird feeling" I say, I pinch his cheek just a bit.

His face begins to heat up "d-date!?" He says finally getting off my shoulder.

"Yeah, that's what we're here for right? A date?" I say giggling afterward

His face only gets pinker, he looks down at the ground and mumbles "...whatever you want it to be...".

𝓜𝓸𝓻𝓮 𝓣𝓱𝓪𝓷 𝓙𝓾𝓼𝓽 𝓐 𝓟𝓻𝓮𝓽𝓽𝔂 𝓑𝓸𝔂 / 𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓮 𝓨𝓾𝓵 𝓧 𝓨𝓷Where stories live. Discover now