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You and JD were practically all smiles and laughter as you snuck out the the back of the school.  No teachers cared when you walked by, not even bothering to ask if either of you had a hall pass.  You were a bit surprised since they had always been sticklers for that sort of thing, but at the same time, you figured they assumed you genuinely had one because of how confident the two of you were as you went on your merry way.

Waiting outside was JD's motorbike.  You still marveled at it, just as enamored by it as much as when you first saw it outside the Snappy Snack Shack.  You had always wanted to learn how to drive a motorcycle, and yet you never knew where to start, so you kinda gave up on the idea.  But riding on one at all still sounded pretty good.  And with JD?  Damn, today was shaping up to be pretty good, even after the death of Heather.

JD went and sat down on the bike, and you were still staring at it in awe.  It was like you were in a trance.  

"Are you waiting for an invitation," JD questioned.

"Hm?  Sorry, no, just admiring your bike."

"You wanna take it for a spin?"

"Isn't that illegal?  I think one risk a day is good enough for me."

"Maybe tomorrow then," he sighed.  "Now hop on, we need to get the hell outta dodge before a teacher notices."

You quickly hopped on the bike, sitting behind JD.  He started driving, and you began to worry that you might fall off.  You knew it was likely unreasonable, but you just felt unbalanced and unstable, and there were no seatbelts.  Again, you knew it was very unlikely you fell off.  Your nerves were just getting the better of you, and it didn't help that this was your first time actively skipping class.

Then, JD made his way on to a long, flat, straight stretch of road, and he mentally decided that the road safety laws were going to be ignored.  He didn't see any cops around, which meant that anything was legal.  So, he ended up going far past what the legal speed limit was.  But he drove down this road every day, it didn't matter.

But, the speed at which the two of you were moving, and how wobbly you felt, you suddenly didn't feel safe.  And so, you squeezed your eyes shut, and tried to calm yourself down.

You hadn't realized it, but JD had felt it.  You had practically latched on to him.  JD smiled, today was a great fucking day.  On the one hand, he didn't want this moment to end.  But, at the same time, he liked feeling like your hero.  So, he speeded up a bit.  Now he was going around 80 mph. in a 45, but your grip on him had tightened.  Any normal person would slowly suffocate under this much amount of pressure.  But JD wasn't a normal person.

He was a murderer.  Just look at Heather for Christ's sake!  Although, it was arguable that JD was innocent and Veronica was the cold blooded killer, since she was the one that handed Heather the glass without bothering to check if she had grabbed the right mug.

Sadly for JD, the ride was over all to soon, and he pulled into the driveway.  His house was large, but not nearly as big as any of the Heathers' mansions.  

"I'm gonna warn you, we weren't expecting visitors, so the house is kinda a mess right now," JD told you.  "Pretty much everything's still in a box, and our suitcases are sitting in the den."

It was true.  The Dean family moved around so often that they kept their items packed up.  Ever heard the term 'living out of the suitcase' when you were on vacation?  That was simply their way of life.  So, the house looked just like it did the day they moved in.  It just made it so that they were able to pack up and move again once the time came.  It was inevitable.  Just like death.

"Oh, my dad's home," JD stated.

"Will he tell the school we're skipping class," you asked nervously.

"Not a chance."

You were now a little nervous, the dad didn't seem to care.  It's nothing you weren't used to, but it's always a little disappointing to see.  Although, maybe that wasn't the case at all, and you were just jumping to conclusions.  There was definitely a chance that he was just a fun loving parent and you were being too nervous about skipping.  And after that wild bike ride, any form of anxiety you may have was through the roof.

Other side of paradise (Jason Dean x reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu