𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞

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You were panting heavily and struggling to breathe, practically drenched in sweat.  You made your way to the front desk, and the worker behind it looked petrified by your appearance.  

"I'm looking for Martha Dunstock," you practically shouted.

"Room thirty six..." the woman trailed off, still fixating on your appearance.

You raced past some double doors, and jogged through the halls as you made your way to the elevators.  You made it to the third floor, and rushed off to room thirty six.  You threw the door open, and you damn near cried at the sight of your best friend.  There were casts on majority of her limbs, and only one arm wasn't in one.  Only because that arm was in a sling.

"Oh my god, Martha..." you muttered.  "What happened?"

You grabbed a chair that had been sitting against a wall, and brought it closer to the bed Martha was laying on.  You took a seat, and grabbed Martha's uncovered hand gently.  You began to massage the back of her hand, and decided to talk to her.  You figured she might be able to hear you, and if you were paralyzed on a bed, you doubted you'd like deafening silence.

"So, you'll never believe this," you began, trying not to cry harder.  "That thing Ms. Flemming did, where she had us hold hands in front of cameras?  It wound up on TV.  She even tried to play it off as a coincidence.  It was somewhat funny."

You looked at the beeping heart monitor, and watched as the small neon lines that showed just how weak your friend was right now.  You were so fucking pissed at the Heathers.'  If they didn't make it so hard for your sister to be happy if you dared stay near your friend, maybe she wouldn't be like this.  Maybe she would've been walking home from that basketball game with you, laughing and giggling at new inside jokes.

"Oh, and Veronica actually got my parents to yell at her!  She got mad at digital Ms. Flemming and it somehow got my mom mad.  Turns out my sister isn't ready for the real world."

"Knock knock," a familiar voice said.

JD entered the room, and you squeezed Martha's hand.  Probably more than you should considering her decision, but you were nervous.

"What do you want," you asked angrily.

"Oh, I'm good friends with Ms. Dunstock here.  I figured I'd come take a little visit, although it's nice to see you here," he told you.

He began to walk over to you, and you let go of Martha's hand and jumped up from your seat.  You tried to back away from JD, but had to stop due to all the medical equipment that was keeping Martha alive.  JD grabbed you in a hug, and you tried to push him off.  And you failed.

"Why did you run off earlier darling, I thought we were going to spend more time with each other," JD whined.  "I'm sorry if I scared you, but you didn't have to run out like that."

"Please just go away," you begged.

"Look, how about we go talk about this over a slushie," JD suggested.

"You had a loaded firearm on you for no reason.  How do I know you won't hurt me," you questioned.  "You've broken into my house, trespassed on my property, and even my sister told me to avoid you!  Why the hell should I go with you?!"

"Look, (y/n)..." JD trailed off.

He finally released you from that hug, but didn't entirely let you go.  He grabbed your shoulders, and stared deep into your eyes, as if trying to stare into your soul.  And turns out, no matter how scared of JD you were, that fucking blush would find a home on your face.  God damn it, JD really knew how to play you.  He could play you easier than a fiddle, more like 'he can play you like a kazoo.'  

"I would never fire my gun at a person.  And I would never hurt you.  And... here, just let me..."

He let go of you, and began to take off his trench coat.  It was your first time seeing him without it, and you were excited, in a way.  He laid it down on the back of the chair you had been sitting on, and he held up his hands in such a way to make themselves seem like less of a threat.

"Now I don't even have anywhere to get a gun from," he told you.

"Okay, but... if you're such a great guy, then why doesn't my sister want me around you?  And why do I keep trying to leave you, huh," you questioned.

"Well, for one, I believe I once told you that 'I love you' meant that you're never getting rid of me.  And I didn't want to be the one to tell you this... Veronica..."

"Veronica what," you interrogated.

"How about I tell you over a slushie?  Then I'll bring you right back here to continue your visit with Martha," he suggested.

"Tell me on the way out.  And you're leaving the coat."

"Fair enough."

JD offered out his hand, waiting for you to take it.  You hesitated.  But, if you wanted answers, you needed to go with him.  Besides, you were just going to grab a drink with him, and then you never had to talk to him again.  It wasn't going to take that long.  Two hours at most.  Easy.  So, you grabbed his hand.

JD began to lead you away, and you looked at Martha nervously.  Fuck it.  What else was there to do, go home to your asshole sister and asswipe friends who were mocking Martha for almost dying?  Or, you could just go get some answers.  When put like that, it was an easy decision. Besides, third times the charm, right?

God, you could be so stupid.

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