chapter 9

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[A/N] - i know you bitches are hungry asf for a new chapter so here ya go😪 hope u like it

"Have we located Alejandro?" Ghost's voice came through the comms on your earpieces after a long silence, almost making you jump from surprise.

"Perfect timing; I found him," said Rudy in return.

Soap then asked, "Where?"

Rudy was in the camera room with Soap. Soap had been navigating Ghost through the hijacked base, who set up explosives on armored vehicles and stealthily eliminated Shadows on the way. Rudy, in the mean time, had been working to find where Alejandro was located on another set of security cameras in the same location.

"Stand by," Rudy replied. You assumed in the short silence that followed, Soap must've went to look at Rudy's computer to see where Alejandro was on the camera.

"Bloody hell. That's him." Soap sounded astounded.

"He's in solitary," Rudy observed. "There is also two outside the door guarding where he's locked up at."

"I see 'em," Soap said, then changed the direction of his voice. "Ghost, Odile, we got him. He's alone. Two Shadows on guard."

"Not for long," Ghost responded, his voice gravelly, rumbling the syllables he strung together as smooth as butter. "RV outside the cell block, we'll pry 'em loose. Odile, if possible, move in closer to the location and take a closer overwatch. If you see backup coming in, take them out as they come."

You were in a trance listening to his voice, forgetting everything he had just said and only focusing on the odd sensations his words made reverberate inside the core of your being.

"Get your head outta the clouds, Lieutenant," he growled, brining you down to earth. "Don't make me repeat myself."

"Where's the cell block?" you asked dumbly.

"If you're at the tower we came in at, it should be a few meters ahead of you and to the left."

"Roger that," you said, then scanned the base. Once you saw the cell block, you added, "Sights on the cell block. Your covered, Ghost, move in." You said his name detachedly.

"Soap and I are on the move," said Rudolfo.

After a few minutes and a few callouts, you paid closer attention to the boys' words.

"At the cell block gate. Few Shadows guarding it."

"Let's send 'em to hell."

You heard the gunshots coming through your earpiece.

"All clear," said Rudy. "It's locked. We'll have to breach it."

"No, Rudy," Ghost said, a very unnoticeable trace of humor in his next sentence. "Knock."

You could hear the banging on the door, and then the sound of it opening through your earpiece. Then you hear gunshots, and you knew they were inside.

"Odile. We're about to claw our way in here. Watch our backs," Rudy instructed you. You didn't have to reply. You held your sniper readily in your grip.

For the next few worry-filled, intense moments, all you could ear exploding in your eardrums was a cacophony of shouts, cries in pain from the Shadows, and rapid fire. So far, you had not seen any reinforcements coming into the cell block quite yet.

"Clear... for now," Soap said.

"Odile. What's the status?" Ghost questioned.

"You're good at the moment," you reassured.

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