chapter 29

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"You've got to be fucking kidding me."

You stood, staring blankly at the king size bed before you. The hotel room was illuminated softly by a lamp on the bedside, the air conditioning relaxing and fresh. The texture of the carpet beneath you felt good on your bare feet. The room was rather large, and you wondered how much Ghost spent on it just for it to have one bed.

You threw your hands up, struggling to formulate words. "Wha- How? Why?-" You sighed, smacking your face against your hands. "For fucks sake. I can't ever catch a damn break, can I?"

You whipped your head around to hear soft laughter behind you. You gaped when you heard two voices, laughing together.

"What the fuck about this is funny?" you spat, gesturing in annoyance to the bed. "We all have to share a bed."

But their laughter did not cease, or lessen whatsoever. They only laughed harder. Looking at each other with broad grins, masks off, tactical gear still on. Though you were tall, you realized how small you felt in comparison to them. Why the hell are they laughing? They hate each other... right?

You remembered that creeping feeling you got in the car, that somehow everything had resolved itself. And now, you watch as Kilgore and Simon laugh, Kilgore throwing his hand onto Simon's shoulder and leaning into him in hysteria. Your face flushed red, feeling left out. "What?"

Finally, their laughter began to fade, their beguiling faces switching into anticipatory devilish smiles and smirks.

"Why...?" you began, then your heart practically dropped to your ass. Oh, no. No, no, no. There's just no way. No way. Your body stiffened, like a cat aware of a predator nearby. "You planned this. You two did this on purpose." Your eyes narrowed. You jabbed an accusing finger between them. "Why? I don't understand."

"Because," Kilgore shrugged.

"Because what?" You folded your arms over each other. "You hate each other, or at least from what I've observed. Why the sudden change of heart? I don't get it."

"Things change, love," Simon purred. He approached you with a lazy saunter, pulling off his gloves. You gulped, backing up to the bed behind you, staring up at his eyes which gleamed with something you could not name, though you had seen it multiple times before. "You of all people should know that."

"What is that supposed to mean?" you whispered, brows furrowing in confusion and irritation. Though, those sentiments began to be replaced with something else... Something like... You felt your womanhood pulse, and you were a little ashamed.

Simon said nothing else, and your eyes latched onto Kilgore as he rummaged in the pocket of his tactical vest, pulling out...

"What the fuck?" you said, biting your bottom lip. A cable tie. Why the hell did he have out a cable tie?

"Turn around," Kilgore commanded. You were in shock. Him of all people? You expected something like this from Ghost, but König?

"I..." you didn't know what to say. "No!"

"Please," he pleaded, his downturned, sleepy eyes, were begging, so innocent and sweet. His hazel eyes were engrossing, completely and utterly bewitching, and you could not look away from him. But they also shimmered with something dark, something different...

What the fuck did they talk about while you were knocked out? Or did they even talk about this? You felt nauseous. Your dad was in the car. They couldn't have discussed this. It must've been some weird unspoken decision.

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