Angry Girl

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"W...what, I'm the only girl she dated" Vause was surprised at the news "And last time I checked Piper never was friends with someone called Widow" Widow laughed "Oviously you can't find me anywhere, you could say my original family were killed and I was taken in and help me who I am today, wanna know why I came into prison Alex Vause" Widow started to smile a little bit creepy "" Vause started to worry, worry at what Piper got herself into and what friend she made "I kill people, I'm an assassin for my father... Kubra, Kubra Balik haha your old boss"

Vause started to shake from fear "Why do you think you and my Piper got treated with respect, your who you are because of me and because you dated Piper" Widow reached behind her neck to grab a small makeshift knife and pressed it against Vauses neck "I could kill you right know for bringing her ass here but I know my Piper still loves your sorry ass, if you decide to get back with her and brake her heart I won't show mercy on you and will hurt you so slowly you be begging for death" Widow moved the makeshift knife to show she cut Vause enough for a bit of blood to seek through, she brought it up to show Vause the blood and licked the blade and smile "Goodbye for now Alex" Widow opens the door and walked out to go to Piper leaving Alex scared for her life

"PIPER" Widow shouted with a smile when she got outside and saw her running on the track "SHUT IT INMATE" an officer shouted at her causing her Ike to disappear immediately, she turned to see who it was and saw a tall skinny man with a long mustash 'Tisk I'll deal with you later' she said to herself as she started to walk to Piper, looking at her causes the smile to come back.

It was true what she said to Alex, they had dated and Piper still has love for Vause, she can tell in her eyes when they look at each other, it hurts to know that but she loves Piper back then and still to this day but will do anything to see her happy even if it's letting her go to someone who ratted her out.

"Where did you go before, I'm sure you was behind me" Widow shrugged her shoulder "Thought I saw a rat or something go past my so went to investigate" Widow has always been good at lieing even though Piper could sniff out a lie from a mile away, Piper rolled her eyes and went back to jogging with Widow at her side "Wanna race" Widow smirked "Your on" Piper laughed, she knew she would loose but accepted for old time sake, After 2 laps an officer shouted at them to go inside "Goodnight pips" Widow huged her when an officer wasn't looking and kissed her cheak and walked to her room "Goodnight Wids" Piper walked back to her bunk.

"Your friends seems nice, good influence" Red said to her as Red notice she was back "She is, when shes in a good mood" Red looked at Piper a little shocked "She don't seem like a girl to get mad hmm...why is she here anyway" Red tilted her glasses down a bit.

Piper got sat on her bunk "She's in here for murder, she's an assassin" Red was more shocked "Oh my, she really does look far from being one" Piper laughed as she crosses her legs on the bed "That's Widow for you, if she can fake a lie through me, she can fake... anything" Red is more shocked, she knew piper is good at sniffing out lies but for someone to get passed her lie detecting skills shes amazed, Red was gonna ask another question but saw she was flat out, she got out of bed and placed the blanket properly on her and went back in her own bunk and went to sleep

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