Hope you like blood

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Widow put the phone back and walked to canteen to see if Piper was still there, as she was about to walk in she noticed she was helping plan a leaving party "Who's leaving" one of the girls from other wing came up to her "Hi I'm Poussey, you must be..." "Widow, nice to meet you...so who's leaving" "Ah that be my friend Tays or Taystee as others call her" Widow smiled and nodded as Poussey walked out to see if she was on her way, Widow walked to Piper "Need any help" she smirked as from the corner of her eye she saw Alex was about to walk over and offerd to help "Yes please"

After a while of helping and flirting with Piper she noticed Alex got more and more angry with her "SHES COMING Y'ALL" Poussey shouted as Taystee jump from around the corner and everyone shouted with joy "TAYSTEE"

Everyone was enjoying themselves, dancing and having fun, Widow took this opportunity to dance with Piper and having fun with her, it wasn't long till things got willed and in the middle was a dance off, Big boo was in the centre dancing making everyone laughed, Piper and Widow was sitting near the door flirting with there hands intwine "WHAT IS THIS" an unfamiliar voice shouted, Widow looked at the dude anoyed to see a chubby officer, she laughed a bit making him turn towards them.

"What is this behaviour" he looked at them with disguss "To me look like attempted rape, take Chapman to the shoe" Widow started to get anoyed "You can't do that" "oh yea" the officer got anoyed "she is right you can't do that" Mendez said "Shit up, I'm superior to you or do I need to write you up, take her to shoe" he walked away as the officers handcuff Piper and take her away "WHAT THE FUCK" Widow shouted, other inmates went back to what they originally do in prison, as the room got less crowded she spotted Alex giving her the look of 'you fucked up', Widow wasn't up for any games and stormed off and kicked the door.

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