• 11 • anger me

12.9K 458 539

[Warning: Smoking is injurious. Threesome, cuckolding, bondage, etc.]


Wind in your hair, eyes closed, sand on your lips. The motorcycle vroomed tenaciously, alerting all the vehicles which you crossed.

It was you who dragged Jungkook out of his room and forced him to pick up his motorcycle keys to give you a ride. You wanted a ride for so long. But, but, but, this outing was very important because he had been studying continuously for three days. Not stepped a foot out of the apartment. All he did was eat, sleep and work. Tests were arriving and you knew he beat himself up when they started approaching. The rate at which he was going through those Bacardis or Marlboros didn't seem healthy to you.

Beer and cigarettes weren't going to solve shit.

He smoked a few when he was extremely stressed. Not otherwise. You don't condone the behaviour but old habits die hard.

What both of you needed was a trip in the outside world. So, his motorcycle, him and you were crusading down a hillside, a little away from the city. Flying with the breathing air and thriving off that exultant sunburst. The hillside had less people and even lesser vehicles. The city fashion wasn't completely lost in this area but the environment was much more hospitable than central areas of Seoul.

Finding some sense in your desperate nagging, he agreed to take you for a ride on his Wolf. Marching your eyes through the trees that passed by, nothing had ever made you more happier. He was with you. A lazy evening. Away from books. Ripe smell of fruits hung about. The hillside seemed to have a lot of self-made fruit vendors which you adored. They set up makeshift shops for themselves to sell their fruits. Since you weren't wearing your helmets this time around, you could actually feel your face cutting through the air. Hair knotting itself due to the strong currents of wind.

You screamed on the top of your lungs, out of pure elation, the canopy of trees above you replied to you by echoing your scream back. This made your grin stretch wider. Nature had ways to talk. Jungkook found himself suppressing his smile at your impromptu scream of joy. He really had no say over your wild heart. You were just you. The unrestrained, unrefined, impulsive you. You didn't care what people thought, a thing to be treasured and learned.

"Olaf, let's have kids and bring them here!" You shouted in his ear, still in your pursuit of happiness, which seemed to take away your rationality too.

Both of you lurched ahead as he hit a sharp break, making you fall all over him. The motorcycle got parked on the side and he told you to get off. Motorcycle gloves looked hot on his hands, just sayin'. Made you want to say something naughty but you zipped your mouth, looking at him innocently. The kid thing definitely ticked him off.

"What?" He asks when you get off. Resting his taut hips on the motorcycle, hands folding like he was about to give you a whole lecture on why you shouldn't think about having kids at this age. His face is clearly done and ready to school you.

Makes you wanna say, "Mm, Master, tame me."

The motorcycle gloves help too, with the Master imagine.

"What? I just said I'd like to bring my kids here." You roll your eyes as an attempt to show that he's totally mistaken and nothing of that sort was said by you.

"Our kids!" He exclaims, correcting you. You can't back out now. He knows you see him more than a fuck buddy but letting your brain carry on to thinking about kids was way too much. He has to put a stop before you start dreaming more stuff.

"Okay, so, big whoop. We'd make cute babies. Imagine me on our honeymoon, in a short, tight dress and all, you find it attractive, I'll whisper in your ear: Do you wanna build a snowman?" You giggle, quoting Frozen.

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