Part 4

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Do you like waffles, yes I like waffles.

"There's nowhere to hide, Simon." I was scared. I looked around and saw my window. I went up to it and unlocked it. I started to climb out, then the killer bashed open the door. "You have nowhere to run." I could hear the smirk in his voice. "You're wrong, I do." I smiled and jumped out the window. Thankfully, the car was there when I landed. I didn't break anything, but it did hurt like hell "Dammit" I looked up and saw the killer peering out of the window then his head was tilted. (fucking bottom bitch) He was about to jump too, so I got up and ran as far as my legs could take me, which isn't too far since I'm like that. But because I lived in a neighborhood and not the great outbacks I could simply run to the nearest town maybe like 20 minutes "Oh dear god give me the strength to run that far and not pass out.

Change of POV for a second (sorry not sorry It's my book so I can Do what I want)
He kept running for what felt like hours but only ran for 5 minutes as he ran he saw a light ahead " Please be a store" and It was a store. Lucky for him, he went straight inside and headed to the cashier. "Please, I need your help there's this guy that's trying to kill me!" He exclaimed with fear. The cashier Didn't look up thinking he was lying until she looked up and saw he was covered in mud and dried blood (the blood was on his hands from the dead cops) "OK, stay right here, Karl. Lock the front and back doors. Sweetie, I'm calling the police. You can go in the back. We have a baseball bat back there for protection." The lady then proceeded to pick up the phone and dial the police. "Hello, is this 911? I need your help. There's a killer. Hello?" She looked at the phone and said, "Shit the fucking cables were cut, Karl, use your phone to call the police the bitch cut the phone cables" There was only silence. "Karl?" She called out to him, "What the hell?" She got up and went looking around for Karl. after a couple of seconds she went to the coolers and went inside, she screamed, "Omg, who would do this?" She started to cry, "I would." She was grabbed by the waist and stabbed in the throat. The killer dropped her body and looked around. The killer chuckled, "You are hard to keep up with. You are an interesting person. I thought you were just a brat, but the more I watch you, the more I like you. So why not come out?" The killer chuckled and started to look around for him then he spotted the back door "Oh Simon come on out I'm not going to hurt you.... I'm only going to hurt you a little"

He was scared shitless "First he kills Jenna, then the cops, and probably the lady is in deep shit" he was scared and there was no denying it he's not tough, he can barely open a damn pickle jar but in his defense there fucking hard to open..... There was a bang on the door "Oh Simon come on out I'm not going to hurt you" bullshit "I'm only going to hurt you a little" dammit he backed into a corner and looked around "Please be a damn window" and to his luck, there was a window "thank fuck" another bang "be a good boy and open the door for daddy" (ew) "no thank you I liked being a virgin" he climbed up the desk and open the window just for another bang to be heard "OPEN THE DOOR" the killer screamed "Not going to happen bitch" as he was half threw the window the killer got in cause he's strong like that and saw Simon "you cant escape me simon" "watch me bitch" he fully climbed out the window and headed for the forest "this is so dumb but I cant go back or hell find me if I just hide in the forest for a while hell lose me" he kept running and running untl he legs finally gave out and he fell to the ground "fuck come on get up" he tryed to get up but nothing. so he crawled to a tree and lay next to it "Maybe a nap might help" he said as his eyes closed...

As he was asleep a fog appeared around him and took him away

ugh bro stop blacking out

I'm backed to slow ass updates :) 

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