The General's Little Peasant Wife

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She transmigrated into an orphan, thinking that she still had her boyfriend with her, yet in an instant, her world crashed. For the position of heir, he said, “Yao’er, why don’t you become my second wife?” A sentence destroyed her wishful thinking, causing her to end their relationship of two lives cruelly. Leaving the hustle bustle, she then lived in a forest, wanting to find an honest man to spend the rest of her life with. But not long after getting married, she realized that the honest man she married was a bit dishonest.

“Are you not an ordinary hunter?” she stared at the man pretending to be innocent in a furious manner. Is the ending going to be this way? Of course not, the story had just begun from the moment she changed her future.

At first I thought it will be a heartwarming village story then slowly upgrade to noble lady/politics. We know from the summary that both ML n MC are not ordinary but it just too fast. I really don't like when both of them let the other bully or tarnish their reputation then they just threaten them this is the last chance or MC/ML will really won't forgive them but then it happen repeatedly and MC/ML still using the same threat.
MC and her boyfriend transmigrate over, the boyfriend become a noble son while MC is orphan. Then suddenly the boyfriend said he need to marry another noble daughter and ask MC as equal wife. mC reject him, she burn her house then move to village away from capital. This is the first point I don't like, why burn the house, just move away. I imagine she live in capital on common neighborhood then she set fire on her house without bothering if it will burn the other neighbors.
MC then bought a house on mountain foot. She led leisure life. There's a girl who keep coming and want to take advantage on MC. She saw MC can embroider and asked her to teach or make it for her. Everything MC has should belong to her since they are friend and MC is just an orphan. Brain damage person number 1. Then she repeatedly shamed MC and MC just keep using threat but never did anything to her.
ML is a hunter, his neighbor has a scholar son. The scholar sister like ML and shamelessly enter his house, take his food etc and again ML just threaten her. He even plan to buy MC land and move his house. And both ML n MC will think it is not worth their time to entangled with such person. I had enough reading this kind novel. The villains are braindead, MC and ML seems cold and never bothered with the villains but they'll complain that they're annoyed with them.

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