Villain Rescue System

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As the last abyssal demon in the world, Wen Long was pulled into various worlds to do tasks by a guy who claimed to be a system. The goal of her mission was to save those villains who had been blackened for various reasons…

Sorry, I'm a sucker for villain and psycho (only for virtual world 🤭). I like the novel because ML is a villain and possessive toward MC. Both MC and ML are a cold type and not good expressing their own feeling so they misunderstood each other. This is a short QT only has 6 arc + real world.
MC is an abyssal demon, she was asked by system to save the villain. MC already knew that the villain is fragment of the God.

Arc 1 Highschool setting
ML live with his abusing father. He is smart and got scholarship. He was brought to MC's house by OFL who is MC sister. ML start working as MC servant. ML only care about money to improve his life. MC fed him by giving her leftover everyday. ML starts liking MC but he didn't know it. He ask a friend what to do if he doesn't want other man to get close to MC. The friend said either he become MC boyfriend or husband. So ML propose to MC. MC is sure ML doesn't like her, she reject him. They went apart for a while. MC repeat grade while ML went to university with OFL. After a year or two he heard from OFL that MC enrolled as new student. ML try to get close to her again and propose again. He said he can make money. MC said she'll consider him. ML work hard for several years to earn millions then show it to MC. MC then replied she'll only consider him. ML was stunned and said he can make more money. MC then agreed to marry him. Even if they are married they didn't do anything. They just slept in the same bed. ML began to kiss MC but he didn't know anything so he only kiss the lip. When ML is dying, MC ask him if he can give her the most important thing from him. ML directly agreed to her. MC is stunned, then she took his fragment.

Arc 2: Perfect psycho man
ML maintain his perfect image but actually he is a clean freak and lack empathy. In the original timeline, OMC is his fiancee. OMC is sickly then died on the street. ML saw her but then he left her behind. OFL has a crush on ML, after she knew his true face, she expose him and that ruin his life.
MC is a cannon fodder who engage with ML because she know OFL has a crush on ML. OMC has a crush on OML so she want to provoke OFL. ML thought MC is sickly and will die soon so he accept her as his girlfriend.
ML saw MC soak in the rain but he ignore her because he doesn't want his car got dirty. MC got sick for a month after that. Then soon they got married even though they are still in university. MC moved in to ML apartment. ML at first is not used to with MC. Gradually he noticed MC care to him. When coughing, MC went out of room and stayed for sometime in living room. Because of it her condition got worse. ML began to care about MC.
OFL found ML then told him that MC actually like OML. ML took MC diary and read it. He went to cold war with MC. Then MC just said it was in the past. ML was coaxed back easily.
MC knew that ML is a clean freak, one time she cough blood. She is more concern with the white cabinet that got dirty. ML saw it and panic, he ask her which medicine she should take. MC directly open the cabinet but because ML sort it out, she can't find the medicine for some time. ML began to change and care more about MC.
When MC is dying, ML cried and told everything bad he did. He blame himself when he ignored MC in the rain, maybe MC can live longer if he cared about her at that time. Then the next morning, MC revived. MC redeem her reward to extend the life. She stayed with ML until they are old.

Arc 3: Vampire
ML is OML stepbrother. They are vampire from strongest clan. Human got advance technology, they ask peace agreement with vampires so they won't harm human. The other clan already sign the agreement. Only ML clan is not.
ML is locked up in the basement. MC is a human that become food for vampires. She was sent to ML. MC lived with ML in the basement. MC is waiting OFL to come and break ML chain. MC tried to change ML who want to take the throne from OML. In the end ML is freed, he want MC to leave with him but MC refuse because she want to go back home. ML frustrated and leave her. But actually he hide outside the basement and hypnotist the demon who send food to MC. OFL went back to MC and took her back home.
MC leave alone for some times. Then ML went to her house. They live together, ML is more like pet since he often become bat and snuggle to MC. He promise MC he'll sign the agreement but never did it. MC knew that ML actually love her and he secretly vote on law change that allow vampire marry human. MC ignore all of it but let ML do what he want except turning her to vampire. MC become old and died. Then ML sign the agreement. He then went to MC grave and went to deep sleep.

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