CHAPTER 3 - The first night.

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That night, he couldn't sleep. In his mind, there was an ongoing battle. Should he or should he not escape? He tossed and turned, lightly pricking himself with the new hay he stuffed his bed with. Could he continue to endure living like this? Things would be so much easier if he had a fairy godmother or spirit guide like in the stories, he read as a child. He could use a bit of magic in his life. One thing was clear, though. If he truly wanted change, he'd have to make a move.

Who'd he go to if he ever escaped? How would he escape? Where would he go to? Master Reginald watches his every move and he has a lot of people wrapped around his fingers. He was tired of this life. It had beaten him down so many times that he had lost count. How many more years of slaving away in the kitchen? How many more clothes to sew? How many more floors to scrub?

As he pondered he held unto his locket. His mind wandered once again. His mother. He remembered all the stories she'd tell him of her life in the palace before she met his father. Then, it struck him. "Evangeline", he whispered. Before his mother died and before her marriage, she was the head of the royal kitchen. She used to tell him stories of how she and her best friend would roam the halls of the castle. He had a hunch that she was still there. Yes, he was uncertain but he had to take the risk - a leap of faith.

Sleep was for the weak. It's time to make a move. The next morning, he was up before the cock crowed. Chores were done and food was ready before sunrise. It was the first day of the ball. Households with eligible wards could be heard clunking and clinking in preparation for the ball.

Water was heated and infused with salt, some sugar, rose leaves, and mint. Lyanna lay in there for about an hour or two. The heat kept her skin supple. Then, he made sure she drank nothing but cucumber water that day, gave her a face scrub made of fish eggs, hair treatment with argan oil, and goat's placenta. Her nails were trimmed to perfection.

Amari smeared a mask made out of pumpkin seeds and goose eggs all over her face. This gave him some time to spare. It was time to see Isabelle. Climbing through her window, he startled her but she soon calmed down upon realizing it was her best friend. "I thought about what you said", he whispered to an underdressed Isabelle who by the looks of it, was also torturing herself to look presentable at the ball. "I'm ready to escape"

Her face lit up with a smile and squealed. "Finally! Have you thought of a plan? she asked.

"I think so. It is not the best but it's all I've got", he replied.

"So, what is it?"

"My mother had a colleague back in the palace. I think her name is Evangeline. If we can get to her, I think she'd be able to help me"

"I see. That's good. We have a starting point. How are you going to get your things from the house without them getting suspicious?"

"I won't! I also barely have clothes to wear and it's a good thing. Missing clothes would peak their suspicion. I can't have that", Amari explained.

"Goodness! Smart. I'm assuming you also know how you're going to get into the palace"

"Through the back door? he replied with uncertainty stuck in his throat.

"That won't do - for several reasons. One is that everyone knows that there are several backdoors. Many of these, are traps, and the fact that people aren't allowed anywhere besides the ballroom. For security reasons, obviously. If you're going in, you'd have to use the ballroom", she explained.

"How will I get in without being spotted? Reginald and Lyanna would recognize me in a heartbeat", he pointed out.

"Yes, but you'll be going in disguise. Something unexpected." she further explained looking at him with a huge smirk.

"What do you mean by unexpected?"

"I mean, you'll be going as a lady"

Isabelle was a genius. My goodness! "Remind me to never take you for granted", He said as he hugged her. "I'll hold you to that", she said.

"Wait, how will I get there?"

"Leave that, to me"

The clock struck seven. It was time for the first ball. The entire kingdom was filled with the sound of an army of carriages. The puffing of expensive perfumes and the encouragement of eager parents could be heard from yards away.

At the Rosegoode's, Isabelle asked if she could have a second carriage to herself.

"Whatever for?" asked her mother.

"Dearest mother, I fear that I may have not done enough to prepare for this ball. I must make myself as confident and radiant as you were so that maybe just maybe, Prince Nicholas will at least consider me", she said with her big doe eyes.

Convinced, they obliged. Once they were gone with Lyanna and Master Reginald, she snuck Amari in. "Right, I've got a dress all laid out for you. It should be your size and I'm sure you know how to fix yourself up, right?" she asked.

"Of course I do. All these years of dressing Lyanna have stuck many skills to my fingertips", he answered.

"Saying it like that sounds utterly disgusting. The dress is kind of old. I just don't want mother to recognize it. Enough of this lollygagging. It's time to get pretty", she blurted. This was an hour of corset tightening, face painting, hair fixing, shaving, and perfuming. If you're going to do something, do it to perfection. Isabelle looked stunning in a pale yellow silk gown. It complemented her caramel skin and bouncy brown curls. Amari wore a pale blue gown with his hair adorned with a small sapphire hairpin. Isabelle stared in awe.

"You look breathtaking, Amari", she complimented. "Look who's talking", Amari giggled. The knock on the door interrupted their moment. It was the coachman for their carriage. "Quick, carry this fan with you to cover your face. This is it, my friend".

They hopped in the carriage and off they went to the ball.

Music, fine wine, dancing, and glorious decorations. The ball looked like heaven or at least what most think heaven looks like. It was close to that. Never had he seen such elegance. "Isabelle, pinch me. I must be dreaming", he asked in awe.

"You better pinch me too. I'm having the same dream", she replied as they both stared with mouths opened wide. Isabelle quickly spotted her father walking in their direction. She signaled for Amari to leave. At all costs, their families must not see him.

Being naturally clumsy, he kept bumping into the guests. Constantly apologizing whilst trying to find a way to the kitchen. One thing was odd, though. He noticed how everyone was staring at him. He had his face covered, he thought, or was the disguise not convincing enough? Maybe they were mesmerized by the gown? It certainly was beautiful but old-fashioned. Childish even. Gosh, I must look like a fool, he thought.

He was uneasy. Was this a good idea? He asked himself. No, he came here for Evangeline and that was what he was going to do. Not realizing he was making a little scene, he tried to get through the crowd. As he was about to take a turn, a hand grabbed him. He turned with a shocked expression expecting Master Reginald or Lyanna behind but, he was delighted to find out how wrong he was.

An extremely handsome young man stood in front of him and asked "Would you like to dance milady?"


 "Isabelle, pinch me. I must be dreaming"


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