CHAPTER 6 - A damsel in distress

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It was the third day and Amari was nowhere to be found. Isabelle's trick didn't work this time. Master Reginald convinced the Rosegoodes to bring Isabelle along with them. Resistance was no good. She only hoped that Amari would escape this time.

At the ball, the absence of the masked princess was very evident. People would turn their heads looking for her but she was nowhere to be found. The murmur in the hall grew.

"Where's your masked princess today, Isabelle?" Lyanna taunted. Isabelle gave her a death glare and looked the other way.

"Whatever you think you know, you don't know. Now run along. I can't be seen with livestock", she replied.

Lyanna wanted to throw a fit so badly but she had to keep her eyes on the prize. She threw herself at the prince as he was in search of his mystery princess. Isabelle rolled her eyes as she sipped her water.

"I'm terribly sorry", the prince apologized.

"It is I who must apologize, your grace. I'm not as graceful as I ought to be", Lyanna said in her most dainty voice. If I may, would you do me the honor of choosing me for the first dance, once again?"

Not wanting to disappoint her as well as all the eyes pouncing on him, he accepted with a smile. "Certainly". The music started and they glided and swayed on the dance floor ever so gracefully. Everyone was unequivocally pleased with this new girl. She was beautiful and knew how to dance. All through the dance, all the prince could think of was if his mystery princess would return. The kiss they shared the previous night kept replaying in his mind. He needed her here. Tonight of all nights, he thought.

Once the first dance ended, the prince was in a hurry to go in search of his masked princess but unfortunately, the king and queen wanted an audience with the prince and Lyanna. Lyanna went with the queen and the king, his son, Nicholas.

"I take it that you've chosen your bride-to-be. She's beautiful. It seems I taught you well", the king laughed.

"No father! The one I want is not here yet. I'll introduce her to you the moment she arrives", Nicholas said trying his best to stall. The king groaned.

"Make sure you make a choice tonight before the ball ends. If not, I'll choose for you", the king threatened. Just then, the queen and Lyanna walked up to them. "Ah! Yes, the gem of the evening. What is your name, young lady?"

"Lyanna, your grace", she replied.

"She has the makings of a true princess", the queen commented as she gave her son a look.

"You flatter me your grace", Lyanna replied. She relished in how well her plan was going. Soon, she will be chosen to be the prince's bride. Once she takes the crown she'd ship Amari far away from Armedea to the bottom of the ocean. Everything was falling into place.

Mr. Charles walked up to Isabelle and asked for a dance. As they danced, he asked for the whereabouts of Amari. "I think he left already. I'm sure by now, he's out of Armedea", she said.

He could feel her sorrow. Her best friend was gone. That was, to the best of her knowledge. "Did he say goodbye before he left?" he asked.

"Well, no! I'm sure he left after we did. He didn't want to raise any suspicions", she replied. "It sounds quite odd. Not saying goodbye isn't something Amari is known for", she continued. Her mind was now filled with doubt about her friend's safety.

"Why does it feel like something isn't right? Perhaps something to do with her?" He asked as he gestured towards Lyanna.

"You think she did something to him?"

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