Chapter 1 - The fun begins

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As the smoke alarm started making a shrill ringing noise, I cringed and ran in to the kitchen. Cursing, I picked up the burnt toast and threw it in to the trash can, burning myself in the process. With the alarm still ringing I ran to the living room and grabbed a chair, propping it under the alarm so I could reach up and turn it off. That's when I noticed my roommate and best friend Jennifer come stomping out, a look of sheer annoyance plastered all over her face.

 "What the hell Lily?" She yawned, "You've been here for all of two days and you almost burn the place down!"

 As I tried to find the off button, I sighed. "Your toaster is obviously broken."

 "Don't blame it on the toaster," Jennifer laughed as she walked in to the kitchen, still dressed in her pyjamas. "You just can't cook anything without setting it on fire."

 "Hey..." I said indignantly, glancing at her out of the corner of my eye. "I can cook cereal."

 I finally found the off button and pushed it, smiling when the alarm finally stopped ringing. As I looked at Jen I smiled. She was staring up at me with a 'what the hell' face. "Cereal?" She asked.

 "Yeah! Shove it in the microwave and it kinda turns into porridge. Looks like crap but it tastes good," I laughed, noticing the raised eyebrow Jen was giving me.

 As I grinned at her, I noticed her long black hair was a complete mess, and she was yawning loudly. When she saw me looking she stuck up her middle finger and laughed. "You know I have a late start at college today so I was planning on having a lie in. But oh no! You couldn't let that happen, could you?" She said, walking by me and bumping the chair a little on her way past.

 My eyes went wide when I felt the chair underneath me wobble. Sticking my arms out either side of me, I tried to keep my balance. It was no use. I felt the chair tipping over and I cried out, trying to grab hold of the kitchen counter as I fell off, sailing to the floor.

 "Crap!" I yelled as I crashed to the floor, landing right on my butt. "Jen, you almost damn near killed me."

 As I rubbed my hip and got up off the floor I heard a loud rip come from my jeans. "Oh you have got to be frickin' kidding me?" I whispered, trying to feel for the tear.

 While I prayed that my jeans weren't ripped, I heard laughing coming from the living room. Spinning around I saw Jen in a heap on the sofa, rocking back and forward with tears in her eyes. I scowled as she kept glancing at me, bursting out laughing all over again when she caught my eye. After about five minutes I was getting rather frustrated.

 "Are you quite finished?" I asked her sarcastically, leaning against the worktop, my arms folded over my chest.

 "I'm sorry," Jen gasped, her face red from laughing, "That was just - "

 And just like that, she burst out laughing all over again. "Well I'm fine by the way! Thanks for asking," I muttered, shaking my head at her.

 Leaving her to her giggling fit, I walked back to my bedroom, massaging my hip on the way. As I walked in to my room, I glanced at all the boxes yet to be unpacked. This was a new beginning for me. I had moved to California about a week ago, and moved in with Jen. We both went to the same college so it was a pretty good situation. And she also happened to be my best friend, so it was a win-win. The apartment was small and shabby, only two bedrooms. But it was home. Walking over to my full length mirror on the opposite side of the room, I stood and sighed at what I saw. Turning around I saw that my jeans had a huge rip at the back, exposing my underwear.

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