Chapter 34 - Home Sweet Home

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Hey guys! I hope you like the chapter, this one took me a while. As always, please vote/comment if you enjoyed reading it. Only a few chapters left now....

Photo: Pierce (Noah's father)

Song: Beauty in the World, by Macy Grey


Noah POV (The following morning):

I leant against the wall and watched as Lily packed her things away in to the case. There was a look of sadness on her face and I could tell because I was feeling the same thing. We were leaving. It was time for us to go back to California and leave Michigan; the place where I had never seen Lily looking so happy.

It broke my heart a little to leave my family, just like it did every time. Sighing loudly, I pushed off from the wall and walked over to Lily. Her back was to me so I stepped up close and wrapped my arms around her waist. When she leant in to me, I rested my head on her shoulder.

"I'm going to miss this place," Lily said, placing her hands over mine as I hugged her close. "There's something special here."

"I know," I whispered, kissing her lightly on the jaw. "But we'll come back soon. And that time we'll stay for longer. Maybe once college is over."

I loosened my arms as she turned around and looked up at me. There was a glimmer of hope in her eyes and there was a ghost of a smile. "I'd like that," she murmured, wrapping her arms around my neck. "But before you bring me back, I think it's only fair that you come to Indiana with me. I've met your family, and now it's time for you to meet mine."

"Really?" I grinned, a surge of happiness shooting through me at her words.

"College boy," she smiled, "Of course you have to meet them. After all, I have to show them the boy who's made me fall in love with him."

I reached up and brushed a strand of hair behind her ear. Leaning down, I pressed my lips softly against hers, barely touching. There was something different about that moment, standing in my childhood room with Lily. Usually I felt desire or lust at being so close to her, but the only thing I felt was an overwhelming sense of calmness and love as I stared in to the beautiful grey eyes that I had fallen for.

"Believe me," I said honestly. "I still can't understand why you did. You're everything Lily, and yet you chose me...some idiot guy who didn't have a clue that when he first saw you outside college that first day, that you were the girl for him."

She smiled up at me, bringing her face barely an inch away from mine. I could smell the familiar scent of her shampoo and I could feel her breath caressing my lips as she spoke. "I'm not denying you weren't an idiot," she laughed. "But maybe I was the same. You know, before I went I promised myself I wouldn't get close to anybody because everyone I do get close to ends up getting hurt. But then you came along, with your corny jokes and awful dress sense ."

"Hey, I have a good fashion sense," I mumbled, pressing my forehead against hers as she laughed again.

"Don't you get it?" She smiled, leaning back slightly so she was looking up at me. "It's everything about you Noah. It's always going to be you."

As I stared down at her, I could feel my heart racing. I had known for a while how she felt about me but her words warmed me to the core. There was no-one else who could make me feel happier, and it just confirmed what I had thought yesterday. One day, I was going to marry this girl.

"I'm glad you said that," I whispered against her lips. "Because I can't imagine being with anyone else. You're it for me Lily."

I laughed as she threw her arms around me again and pushed her body against mine. Smiling, I wrapped my arms around her waist and hugged tightly as she buried her face in the crook of my neck. We stood there like that for a couple of minutes; the feeling of being close to her affecting me like nothing else could.

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