a sad birthday

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When I reached home I was just a step away from the door, when I twisted the door knob it was unlocked.
it's 7 pm and there's only darkness. I shoved myself into the house and switched on the light.


"happy birthday Erica"

My family is here; they threw me a surprise.

"mom. Dad, you could have told me that you are coming, you scared the hell out of me."

"what's the point of a surprise if we had told you" my dad kissed my temple, and I hugged both of them.

"well! I am glad you are here."

We ate dinner with lots of fun.

Someone knocked at the door "I am going" I said.

I opened the door. My biggest fear was there. I was turning pale and shaking. The man who put me in trouble is standing here smiling evilly.

You can't get away from your fear, but you can fight it. I reminded myself. I pretend not to be afraid of this man.

"who is on the door, Erica?" I didn't answer. My parents came.

"happy birthday my granddaughter" the man standing before me wished me a birthday.

The man who snatched away what I loved the most stood smiling. I can't have brought up to call him my grandfather. Whose grandfather threatened and abuse their grandchild. he did make my whole life hell.

"you shouldn't be here." my grandfather stroked my cheeks then pressed my cheeks in his hand. "I think you didn't learn the lesson my darling, should I?" he glared at me his eyes darkened...the moisture escaped from my eyes, and I was in pain. this man is a psycho.

"happy birthday sweetheart, having fun without me," the man behind him said to me.

''you didn't invite your soon-to-be husband to your birthday, what a shame," he whispered in my ear, sending chills down my spine.

"I don't invite assholes"

"watch your mouth" he glared at me.

My life sucks...

" I am not going to marry you, ever Gabriel" I deadpanned.

"you will marry him; we have already made an agreement. I will get all the mafia with collaborating Gabriel and his mafia in exchange for your hand in marriage." My so-called fucking grandfather blurted.

"no, you can't do that to our daughter" my dad stated.

"it's final Patrick, you are useless my son, you ran off with this bitch to marry her and abandoned your father and his business, and now your mistake of a child would pay for your mistake and childishness."
what a father he is if he can't support his son. I felt sorry for my dad.

I totally hate my life. "I will marry him but I needed to finish high school." I said sadly

"Okay then, but if I saw you with another boy then he's dead," Gabriel warned me.

They left. "I am sorry my daughter."

"it's okay mom and dad" I smiled sadly.

Maybe this is my destiny. My whole life I have been tortured, and now if I get something that I don't like. It wouldn't be that sad right?


"kill him" I ordered.

"no, no please don't kill me"

"then tell me who you work for" I raised my brow at him.


I didn't get the answer.

"Ashton" he nodded. He handed me the knife.

"no please please don't"

"I will chop your finger one by one until I get the answer, if I don't get the answer I will put through you pain, that is worse than being dead."

I slide a knife into his skin. He screamed. Until he is full of blood.

"I. I will...tell you.... please do not kill me."



"Lucas" he nodded and handed me the gun. I put the bullet through his head.

"That bastard" I muttered.

"what are you doing here, you can't guard the house, how can you all be so careless and how didn't you find out the intruder."

Again silence

I ran my fingers through my hair. I fired a bullet, and they all jumped.

"I am sorry sir; we will be more careful next time." They slurred in fear.

The guard came "your dad wanted to meet you, sir."

I nodded.

I left there and get into his office.

"found out" his back was facing me.


"well done my son, you are just like me... you are fully potential to take over my mafia."

He patted my back.

I left the office and changed my bloody clothes. I cleaned all the blood and get into the shower. water was sliding by my skin. I was thinking of my brother and all the happy moments we had enjoyed back then. A tear escaped from my left eye. I sobbed, I miss him so much. I never liked this life of the mafia I never wanted to live in this criminal world my brother wanted me to run my own business. But I ended up taking the place of my brother James.


have fun with reading and don't forget to follow @draftythoughts on instagram for updates.



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