Just Let Go - Chapter 12

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A.N; I love writing this story, thankyou so much everyone for supporting me. It means so much to me xx.



Blaze glared at me, “Jee, what a lovely thing to say to your boyfriend.”

I smiled at him; out of the corner of my eye I saw a familiar figure enter the café and head our way, “Oh crap…”I mumbled.

Blaze looked in the direction I was looking and grunted, “Can’t I catch a break.”

“Well, fancy seeing you guys here…” the figure spoke.


“Oh hey Aaron,” I avoided his gaze. Sure Chloe’s theory had been right, part of me was overjoyed that he still care, another part was glad that the plan was working. And lastly part of me was sad that he had to interrupt my date with Blaze.

Blaze was glaring straight at him, “What are you doing?” which was a codeword for, Get the hell out of here before I make you. Aaron slide into the chair next to me, “Well I was walking past and there was a new café so I thought and would come check it out!” he said innocently.

“Wait, am I intruding on anything?”

Blaze snarled, “Gosh I don’t know Aaron, it’s not like we’re on a date or anything!” Blaze barked.

Aaron didn’t hear Blaze’s venomous sarcasm, “Oh that’s good then, you won’t mind if I join you.”

“Yes, we would.” Blaze argued.

I sat their quietly, for some reason my voice had vanished every time I tried to speak it wouldn’t come out. Blaze kept glaring at me as I sat there in silence, I'm so sorry, I thought to him. Aaron was taping the floor with his Nike’s singing along with Paramore.

By the time the food came, Aaron dug in – into Blaze’s food. Instead of arguing or even starting fight Blaze got up and left – just like that he was gone. “I thought he would never leave,” Aaron said with a mouthful.

I pushed myself up from the chair, finding my voice again, “You know what Aaron, Blaze is kind, caring, sweet, funny and amazing. He also happens to be my boyfriend and we were on a date – so you can get stuffed,” I stormed out of the café and away from my favourite band and a jerk-of-an-ex boyfriend.

I saw Blaze sitting on the back of his car gazing up at the stars, his hands behind his head – his expression, calm. “Blaze, please forgive me,” I pleaded at his feet. Blaze didn’t even look at me, “Only because your pretty,” he joked sliding over so I could join him.

I sat next to him studying the stars that shone, “Chloe’s going to be so mad,” I mused, dreading when I see Chloe tomorrow. Blaze watched me in silence before finally saying, “Why?” I began to count the stars as I replied, “Because I pretty much told Aaron to shove it – which was not her plan.”

Blaze doubled over with laughter, “I have never been prouder of you, my little babe is growing up!” he pretended to wipe a fake tear from his face. I rolled my eyes, “I know this hasn’t exactly been a date, but will you please tell me what happened with your sister?”

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