Karma's A Bitch - Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

My science homework wasn't going to finish itself so I sat down in my room with multiple books laid open trying to find the answer... If the first consumer is... Frustrated I closed my eyes lying down on the pillow.

I just needed a rest from all this studying, THUD. My eyes fluttered open... I probably imagined it.

I slipped off the bed, wandering around my room. I stopped to look at one of my walls that was painted a pale green. On the wall was about 20 photos of me, Chloe, Selena, Ryan and there was one with Aaron and me, it was our first date, me holding fairy floss and a big teddy while Aaron was looking down at me.

He had taken me to a carnival since he knew I loved rollercoaster's and fairy floss. So he made sure I went on every ride and bought me heaps of fairy floss. At one point Aaron had gotten sick from too many rides but he still went on for my sake... At the end of the day, he played the rifle game and won me a giant teddy bear, clichéd I know but it was sweet.

Now it just seemed disturbing. I walked away, sitting down at my desk turning on the computer when I heard weird noises from next door, Blaze's house. I ignored them at first but the got louder... Was that a groan? Oh EW.

I walked over to my window, and saw Blaze in his room shirtless kissing a brunette chick. They seemed to be going at it. I flung my window open and shouted, "BLAZE!" He was too busy to notice me shouting his name.

I turned my head back inside looking for something to throw, I saw a small bouncy ball and chucked it hard at his window. I saw his head pop up and look around. Once he spotted me he looked crossed, he flung his window open, "WHAT, cant you see I'm busy!"

"Unfortunately I can SEE, so close your blinds and keep the noise down. No one wants to hear your...'business'," I shouted back.

"Hah you're just jealous. Let me remind you, we may be fake dating but doesn't mean I have to be bored to death by you just like Aaron was."

He didn't need to go that far; my heart dropped and tears threatening to return. I sniffled before looking back at Blaze, hurt. "Macy, I didn't mean..." Blaze started but I just waved him off,

"Just please keep the noise down." And with that I shut the windows and my blinds and returned to studying with occasional tears wetting my homework.


I arrived at school the next morning tired because someone didn't keep the noise down. I slammed my locker shut turning around to see a cheerful looking Chloe. "GAH!" I shouted in surprise.

"Woah, hey calm down buddy," Chloe laughed.

I yawned, "Someone didn't get a goodnight sleep," Chloe noticed.

"Hah that's because your brilliant plan led to Blaze moving in next door and disturbing my beauty sleep."

Chloe's mouth made an O shape, "Was that sarcasm?" she pretended to be offended.

"No, cause your plans are always fantabulous!"

"Wait... was that sarcasm there?"

"You're so BLONDE!" Chloe looked at me weirdly while pointing at her hair, "Well yeah I am." I rolled my eyes,

We started walking down the hall to our next class.

When Aaron cut us off, another girl hanging off his arms. "Macy, rumour has it Blaze's been cheating on you. This whole relationship with you and him, it's just so planned, so dull. You're doing it to make me jealous," Aaron snickered and so did the girl off his arms.

I sideway glanced at Chloe, I could see her fuming, steam coming out of her ears. Aaron had just call her plan dull. Prepare for hell to freeze over.

Chloe stepped forward poking Aaron hard in the chest, "Don't get ahead of yourself. Blaze and Macy are a perfect couple, so don't dare call them dull. You change girl everyday and they're nothing compared to Mace."

I cheered inside my head, that's why Chloe was my best friend. I looked at Aaron who was a little shock from Chloe's speech but soon recovered.

"Well how come I never see them kiss or spend time together?" he smirked.

Chloe just rolled her eyes grabbed me by the arm, "Oh by the way Aaron, Don't let your mind wander – it's too little to be let out alone."

I laughed at Chloe's remark, "Snap, Sizzle and Burn."

Chloe smiled, "Now to make this plan more convincing, I want to see that ass burn."


Chloe had managed to get a hold of everyone, even Blaze though I was currently not talking to him. I saw out of the corner of my eyes, every few minutes he'd look over an give me an apologetic look which I just ignored.

"Listen up people, Aaron's not convinced so we're going to have to turn it up a notch. Blaze try and contain yourself around other girls. You and Mace have to be lovey dovey, how about you kiss today?" Chloe suggested.

"WHAT?" Blaze and me both shouted at the same time. Selena giggled while Ryan pulled me back down into my seat. Chloe just flicked her blonde hair away, "Come on, its gotta look real."

Blaze just rolled his eyes before saying, "Whatever." And left.

I sank slowly down into my seat, revenge was too hard.

~End of School~

I couldn't be bothered waiting for Blaze at the end of the day, I just wanted to get out of school. But Chloe insisted I wait with her while she cleaned up her locker. I sighed, "Can I go now?" She just shook her head and reached in further.

She was busy chucking out everything from old books, to makeup , to even old lunches. EW. I made a disgusted face as she pulled out a rotten banana, "Cute face," a rather annoying yet familiar voice. I didn't have to turn around to see who it was.

"Blaze, walk home first. I'd rather not walk with you."

Chloe glared at me then Blaze but she also felt the need to step on my foot really hard, it sent the message YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE DATING HIM.

"On second thoughts, wait for me Blaze," I said in a fake voice.

"Do I sense tension hear?" asked another familiar voice.

"HEY, that's my line man." Blaze argued.

Aaron just laughed it off. Chloe's smiled wiped of her face, "What tension, the only tension I sense between those two is sexual tension." she snapped back before wiggling her eyebrows at me.

It took all my muscles in my face to not make a disgusted face. Aaron just looked at us, "Sure, Prove it then." I stuttered "I..i... don't think-" I was cut off by warm lips over mine, at first my eyes were open with shock but I remembered to close them and I kissed him back.

Blaze's mouth slightly parted and so did mine; his tongue ran against my bottom lip I shivered with anticipation. I felt Blaze smirk under my lips and he gently pulled away to see confused Aaron. I looked at his face, it...it was hurt... Something inside me wanted to comfort him and tell him this was all fake but then I remembered he broke my heart. I will not feel sorry.

Chloe just smirked at him, "Goodbye Aaron." Aaron turned on his heels and disappeared, I was now faced with a grinning Chloe, "Wow you guys got chemistry!"

I slapped Chloe on the shoulder, pulling Blaze behind me, "Bye Chloe." When we were out of school I turned to him, "Sorry about that."

Blaze leaned down, he was so close our noses touching, I could feel his breath on my cheek, "Nothing to be sorry for." He turned and started walking home. I was glued to my spot, I was shocked. I quickly followed after him, the thing is that kiss was nothing like Aaron's or any other boys, it was special...

I touched my lips, before shaking off the thought and walking home with Blaze.

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