Chapter 5

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"Are you ready?" Yuri asked as he grabbed my bag and stuffed it into the trunk of the black car, which still looked as shiny as when it arrived.

I nodded, although a lump in my throat continued to grow. Maybe I was. I was packed and said my goodbyes, but I don't think I would ever be ready to leave. Hell would always be my home, no matter where I went.

"Good," he cheered as he got into the car and I followed suit.

As he drove down the road, I thought about all the people I talked to today. My stomach tied into knots as I fought tears back. It wasn't a long list, but it was a list that mattered to me. Kazimir, Kol, and Mr. Green.

Mr. Green was the first person I said goodbye to. I told him I was going to the Motherwealth to train. He was quiet for a moment before smiling. He said that I would be a perfect fit for their training program and assured me I would only improve while I was there. If I wanted to be a figure skater, going there was the best option I had.

I had never really talked to Mr. Green about the Motherwealth before. Honestly, it was never important, and he never brought it up. But as I sat in his living room, I couldn't help but ask a million questions about his home. If I was going to live there for two years, I just needed to understand what I was signing myself up for.

He was patient with me, taking time to answer every question I had. But the most important question I asked was why he left. He paused for a really long moment before answering. He told me it was because he realized he didn't fit with that lifestyle or mindset any longer. When I asked him what had changed, he just shrugged his shoulders and said it was a natural progression.

As he stoked his fire for a second time while I was there, I realized I had to leave if I wanted to say goodbye to everyone. So with a forced smile and a thank you, I left his place to find Kazimir. I searched for what felt like an hour before giving up, realizing he was probably working in the mines even at this late hour. But as I walked back home, he came running up to me with a smile on his dirty face.

As I talked to him, it was clear he had no idea about the Talent Seekers, which made me realize he was not the one that told them about me. He was ecstatic about the news, which kept my tears at bay for a moment. He held me tightly and told me he was happy. There was such a sparkle in his eyes as he told me he always knew I was set for great things.

The conversation with Kazimir was shorter than I would have liked, but I had to pack and talk to Kol. However, when I got home last night, he was nowhere to be found.

I went to bed alone as well. When I woke up this morning, he was nowhere to be found. I knew he didn't agree with my decision, but it was hurtful to know he wasn't even around for my final hours. In fact, I had spent the whole day alone, with tear-stained cheeks, packing and tying up loose ends.

"So just to make sure there is nothing else you need. Right?" Yuri asked as he looked back at me from the driver's seat.

I nodded as I bit back tears that weren't about to stream down my face. This was goodbye to Hell and everything I knew, and Kol wasn't even around to see me off. My hands balled into fists as I tried to control my breath.

I would be back. But who knows when?

"Alright. Great. Let's get a show on the road," he cheered as he turned the car on.

"Stop!" Kol's voice rang out as he slammed on the front of the car.

Yuri swore under his breath as he stared at my brother. "You know him?"

This time, I couldn't fight the tears streamed down my face. My bottom lips quivered as I stared at him. "He's my brother. Can I talk to him for a moment?" I choked out.

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