Chapter 14

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My eyes cracked open a few days later. It was the only free day I had before the event with Ezra. If I was going to find something to wear, it would be today. 

"Want to help me pick out a dress?" I asked Eydis as I got out of bed. 

She smiled widely at me with a nod. "Always game with shopping but what is the special occasion?"

After the cake, we went back to how things had been. As if nothing went wrong to begin with. I have no complaints with this though because I was not willing to stay mad at her for long. 

"I got invited to attend a gala with Ezra and his family." 

Her smile suddenly dropped as she turned back to her textbook. She scribbled something down in her book then turned to me again. "He asked you?" 

I nodded as I wondering what her sudden shift in mood was for. I knew she didn't like him, but I didn't understand why. He seemed nice to me.

"Well, I guess I don't have anything else going on today. Sure." 

I smiled at the thought of her spending time with me. I wanted to spend every free day with her. There was something I felt when I was with her that I couldn't explain. It was deep in my chest making me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. 

"Good. I am trusting you to point me in the right direction for fashion." 

She smiled with a nod. "I can do at least that. You need all the help you can get because I suppose they wore bags in Hell." 

I glared at her then smiled. She wasn't too far off. Fashion here and fashion in Hell were vastly different. In Hell people were loose clothes of neutral colors. It was as if they wanted to blend in with nature, but here, they wanted to do all they could to stand out from it. The clothes were bright and bold and demanded attention. 

She stood up from her desk and stretched. "Well, let's get going. I am guessing this will take all day."

She said it with a lack of enthusiasm. It made me want to take back the invite.

She slipped on a coat then opened the dorm door and I followed her lead.

As we walked towards the stairs, Eydis sighed as she stuffed her hands into her pocket. "Oh, and I checked the mail again, still nothing."

My heart broke even more. I thought that at least I would have one letter from him. I thought he cared about me even if I went here against his wishes. As days passed, the reality of him writing faded away. If I didn't anything by now, I probably wouldn't. The thought caused my throat to tighten but I forced myself to move forward.

"Maybe the mail is delayed," Eydis added as she placed her hand my shoulder. 

"Maybe," I chocked out, hoping she didn't catch the pain in my voice. I sniffled any emotion from my face and stood a little straighter. What was done was done, there was no use in fretting about it. 

As we stepped outside, I saw Ari walking down the sidewalk with a group of his friends. We locked eyes and I waved at Ari who returned the wave. 

"She's gone," he said as he walked towards us. "Constance is not coming back." 

I rose my eyebrows in shock. Her time wasn't up. She still had months of training left on her contract. But what did that mean for her? And where did she go? 

"Hopefully the rink will be more friendly without her." He sighed then looked towards the girl dorms as if making sure she wasn't around. 

I had a problem with Constance, but I didn't think it was worth complaining about. I knew how much skating meant to her; she shouldn't have left so early.  Did Irena have something to do with her leaving early? 

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