Chapter Thirty two

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After I spoke to 911, Lucas took the liberty of calling Gabriel as well. Apparently, he was scared, but I had a feeling he called him just because I won't.

That's how Gabriel ends up in my apartment, along with the police.

"You're sure you locked your door this morning?"

"Yes, I did. And even if I did not, it doesn't change the fact that someone trashed my house." I snap, irritated at the nature of the questions he's asking me.

The blonde, blue-eyed policeman stares at me then tugs at the back of his hair, sighing. "Do you have any idea who may have done it? The person didn't come with the intent of stealing so maybe it's someone you know. Did you have any problems with anyone recently?"

I don't think twice before answering. "My ex-boss," I say, looking around the house again. It hasn't been arranged. Hell, I don't know how I want to even start with that. I don't care that he'll be going to jail for this because that's exactly where he belongs."He left a note." I pass it to the man interrogating me, while the other man takes a look around, making notes and taking pictures.

He reads the note in a glance and sucks air through his teeth. "It says here an eye for an eye, so it's obviously revenge. Any idea why he must have done it?"

It's not something I'm willing to share. I don't know why I don't want to. It's kind of embarrassing admitting you were assaulted, so I just go with, "We had a disagreement."

"On what?"

"It's personal."

He sucks air through his teeth again, obviously annoyed by my answers, but I don't care. All I want is for Shawn to be put behind bars for breaking and entering. I don't know how long he'll stay there, but at least, he did. For a moment, I think he is going to dwell on that or demand answers, but he just stares at me for a few seconds and then writes something down in his notepad.

I can't understand why Shawn did it. Would he get his investors back from trashing my house? How did he even get in? An eye for an eye? So him trashing my house is equal to him losing money? Hell, I didn't even do anything to him. He merely paid for his actions, yet here is, making another stupid decision. And he was stupid enough to leave a note.

Did he think I wouldn't report this? Did he think this would scare me? Something like this only made me internally grateful to Gabriel for 'spreading the word' and this time, whatever Gabriel has in mind for him, I wouldn't even dare to stop him.

Thinking of it makes me so angry. I've worked hard my whole life. I made a home for myself and my son and he had the effrontery to waltz in and destroy my properties? Is he going crazy?

"Can I get a description of what your ex-boss looks like?"

"Or you can just look him up. Shawn Landon, CEO of Landon and co." This is probably just me projecting my anger on the police, but it's not like they're doing anything to soothe it.

"You know this is a serious accusation, right?" The other man joins us. Short and bald, there's an unlit cigarette resting in between his lips as he speaks. "You say he's the CEO of Landon and co, you know what this could do to his career?"

That's if he even has a career still. I grit my teeth, looking everywhere, but at him. My eyes lock with Gabriel's and he raises an eyebrow as if to ask me if I'm okay. I give him a small nod, a bit calmer before I turn back to the men in front of me. "Yes, I am aware."

"And it's not because of a personal vendetta against him? When did you stop working for him?"

"Three to four months ago." I fake a smile at them.

"Why did you stop working for him?"

"I already told your partner here that it's personal. Your job here is to investigate and find out if he indeed did it. The hallways have cameras. It would do you good to check them."

I go over to where Lucas and Gabriel are.

"That seemed intense," Gabriel comments, drawing me closer to him and kissing my forehead.

"Those officers are assholes." I shrug. Another look at the house has me shaking my head again. "What if Lucas had been in the house when Shawn came in?" I know Gabriel doesn't have an answer to my question, but I ask it anyway as it was a very big possibility. It was an exception that he wasn't at home today. On a usual day, he would be.

What if he had been at home? Would Shawn have hurt him too? Would he have gone that far? If he could kiss me forcefully, break into my house, and destroy my stuff, who knew what else he was capable of?

"It's okay, love." Gabriel assures me, rubbing my shoulder with one hand with his other hand in Lucas'. "I'll make sure Shawn ends up behind bars serving a good time." He says in a hard voice. I can feel the anger rolling off of him, but he's trying to stay calm for Lucas and I.

"What if it happens again?" I think out loud. If Shawn hears that he'll be serving time, he's bound to do something equally as crazy. Does that mean my house is no longer a safe space for my son and I?

"It won't, I promise, because he'll be behind bars, okay?" Gabriel waits for me to nod before he continues. "I'll have a team come clean this up in the meantime and replace some stuff."

"It's okay. I have insurance." I don't want it to feel like I'm leeching off him. I didn't date him for his money or for what he can do for me.

"Just let me. Meanwhile, you guys can stay at my place until the police finalize this."

I look at Gabriel in surprise, not expecting that.

"Really?" Lucas asks with a big smile on his face. It's the first one he's had since we came in to find our house like this and it makes me happy to see that he's forgetting about what just happened.

"Of course, buddy. I wouldn't want anything to happen to either of you." He smiles sadly. "I don't think I can live with it, knowing I could've done something to help and I didn't."

"Mommy, can we?" Lucas looks at me, pouting.

"We can just stay at a hotel. We can't stay in your penthouse. Everyone will see us go in and come out."

"Don't be silly. I have a house."

I let out a breath. Why am I surprised? What does this man not have?

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