Chapter Thirty four

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"I have a confession."



I stop in my tracks and turn around to look at Gabriel, eyebrows arched.

He raised his hands in surrender. "It's not anything bad, I promise." Then, he pauses. "Well, I don't think it is. I don't know what you'd think though."

Shawn was locked up behind bars and as Gabriel had said, I never had to worry about him again. I didn't feel the least remorse when I heard the news of him being arrested because he was beginning to get out of hand and I had a son to keep safe.

Well, what about Shawn?" I ask as I continue to the dining, carrying the last plate needed. I'd told Heather about the break-in and that I was living with Gabriel for the time being, and she demanded we all have dinner. At first, I didn't agree with it, but when she told our other friends and they all became persistent, I asked Gabriel what he thought of it and he said he didn't mind.

Lucas, who has bonded so much with my father and always communicates with him through my phone, informed my father about it, who in turn told my mother. They demanded to see this Gabriel Lucas spoke highly of and they were automatically invited to dinner.

I wanted everything to be perfect. Gabriel had suggested we get a caterer because of the number of people that were going to be attending (my friend's boyfriends included), but I declined as I wanted to make everything myself. He gladly helped and Lucas also helped a bit, while giving me hints about what he wanted for his birthday.

"I'm the reason Shawn broke into your house last week."

"What do you mean?" I question distractedly, making sure the cutleries are in order. I don't want anything that'll make my mom frown at me. We haven't been in touch for too long for us to mess up the second chance we got.

"Since all his investors were ready to pull out, I may or may not have bought all their shares, leaving Shawn with close to nothing." The plate in my hand falls to the ground and shatters into a million pieces.

"You did what?" I yelled. No wonder Shawn had been so mad. His company was practically taken away from him.

"Are you okay?" Gabriel asks, dragging me away from the broken pieces on the floor, meanwhile, I just stared at him in shock. He bit his lip.

"There's more?"

"I may or may not have done so in your name."

"Gabriel! Why the fuck would you do that?"

"You said your dream was to run your own advertising company"

"Well, I didn't ask you to do that!" I snap, annoyed at the fact that he never tells me stuff before he does them. I told him not to go after Shawn, yet he did, ripping everything from the man.

"He was basically running it to the ground. I saved it."

"That's not the fucking point." I grit out. "You said you weren't going to provoke him. You promised!"

"Of course, I wasn't going to let him get away with hurting you."

"That doesn't mean you go around making rash decisions without me! We're a couple. We don't keep this kind of thing from each other."

"That's why I told you," he points out, still looking as calm as ever and it infuriates me.

I take a deep breath. "After you already did it."

"I was killing two birds with one stone. Getting you your company and giving him what he deserves. Come on, baby," he tried to put his arms around him, but I swat them away. "I didn't mean to make you mad. I wouldn't have done it if I knew you'd get this mad. I'm sorry."

His apology is sincere. I can see that, but, "I'm not mad." I tell him because I'm not. "I'm only hurt because you broke the promise you made to me and went behind my back to make decisions that affected my safety. Something could've happened to Lucas, Gabriel. What would you have done then?"

Gabriel's face is laced with guilt and as he opens his mouth to speak, the doorbell rings, which means some of our guests are here. I stare at the mess on the floor. Great. "Go answer the door. I'll clean this up."

I turn around, plaster a smile on my face and walk out of the dining room to see Lucas sitting at the bottom of the stairs. I close my eyes and let out a low curse. Why did I not realize that my yelling could attract Lucas' attention? "Mommy, are you and Gabriel fighting?"

"No, honey," I lie through my teeth. "We were just having a mild argument."

"I heard you say some bad words."

"Don't worry about it," I tell him as the doorbell rings for a second time. "Let's have fun at dinner, okay?"

He's not convinced, but he nods anyway and accompanies me to the door we open to reveal Racheal and Heather with a strange man in between them. I stare at both of them, waiting for someone to claim him.

"Oh, this is Mark, my boyfriend. We've been dating for three weeks now."

I nod. Of course, he's Racheal's boyfriend. "Nice to meet you, Mark. Come in."

"Nice to meet you too. You must be Aria?" He puts out his hand for a handshake.

I take his hand. "Yeah."

Heather huffs as she enters. "Can you believe these two sat at the back acting all lovey-dovey like I was their chauffeur?"

"I'm not surprised." I laugh, trying not to think about the fight Gabriel and I just had. An unexpected one at that. We have never fought, even before we started dating, so I don't know how I'll act around him after this.

While they look around the house and compliment it, I'm about to close the door, but another car pulls over in the driveway. Abigail exits with her fiance. I wait for them to reach the door before I give Abby a hug. "It's been a while."

Out of all my friends, she's the one I don't see the most because of how demanding her job is. "I know you've missed me. It's expected."

I shake my head, hugging her fiance, John, shortly. "It's nice to see you again."

"You too, Aria."

"It's such a nice house you've got here." Abby says and I realize Gabriel has joined us, a forced smile on his face as he thanks Abby for her 'kind words'.

When my parents arrive, Lucas is the first to welcome them in. Although he senses the weird energy between Gabriel and I, he doesn't let it affect him as he also pretends as though everything was fine.

While everyone converses, Gabriel tries to catch my eye, but I purposely pretend I can't see him. If I talk to him right now, drama will unfold in front of everyone. I don't want that. I want us to discuss it when no one is there to see us.

I sigh. I wonder how this dinner is gonna go.

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