•Chapter Eight

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The door to Namjoon's Mansion opened as you knocked it a few times and rang the bell too. Namjoon's sleepy figure was standing In Front of you as smiled.
"Good Morning." His voice was hoarse and raspy.
"Good Morning!' you smiled as he moved aside to let you in.
"You don't have the password?" He asked ruffling his hair as you shook your head,

"It's 12171" "Why are you telling me the password to your house?"
He sighed, "because you are supposed to know that."
"Ok… Should we begin with the preparations?" You asked
"Sure, but I have to take a bath first. I'll be right back. By the time, make yourself comfortable." You nodded as he walked away.

Coming back to his room, Namjoon Squealed a bit as he bit lower lip to control his excitement. Finally, A day with you y/n. This was something new he felt. Like never before.

You started planning things on your phone's notepad as you thought about the theme. Frozen. That's the only thing that crossed your mind. Maybe she likes Elsa. You smiled to yourself as you decided to tell this plan to Namjoon.

Namjoon, such a nice human. How can someone be like him? The way he is, the way he talks, the way he cares for everyone, for his daughter. You would be lying if you said you weren't impressed.

You chuckled to yourself, shaking your head. Y/n, what's happening to you? You bit your lower lip as you smiled.
Wait. Where is he? It's been 20 minutes already.. How long is he gonna take? You mentally debated and decided to look out for him. You went straight to his room, as you knocked on the door.

No response, you knocked again but no response you again knocked for a couple of times but still there wasn't any response.
You sighed as you finally held the knob, twisting it as you opened the door.

"Na-" you were immediately cut off by Namjoon turning around as your eyes were about to pop out of its socket. You looked at him, maybe staring, unintentionally but yes. He looked at your figure and then noticed you staring at him.

"Y/n?" He said as you immediately yelped,
"I am sorry. I am so sorry. Shit- I should've waited!!" You said as you immediately closed the door.

It took you a hot second to realise that you saw Namjoon, shirtless. Shit. You slightly slapped yourself.
"Stupid y/n!!!" You scolded yourself as you walked back to the living room.

"Shit shit shit!!! Did he notice that I was staring at him? Would he scold me? Shit- I shouldn't have opened the door. But, I knocked and he didn't respond. But still-" you sighed plopping on the sofa,
Squirming at the thought.

Was she staring at me? Kim. You are worth staring at. Namjoon said to himself as fixed his hair while walking downstairs. He saw you squinting your eyes as he chuckled.
"I am sorry!" You exclaimed as you heard his chuckle.

"It's alright. Let's start with the plan!" He smiled at you  as you nodded, slightly embarrassed by the earlier scenario.
"Y/n. Focus." He said as you immediately looked at him, nodding like an obedient child.

"Let's Go shopping first " he suggested as you nodded again.
"Uh. Jihye already left for my friend's place earlier this morning. So we have the whole day to prepare for her birthday."
"Fine then. Let's Go!" You said as he chuckled.

"Uh. Namjoon this may sound weird but can I drive?" You both walked towards the car, he looked at you and nodded.
"I know my driving skills are horrible. So yes you can drive" he laughed at himself as I awkwardly smiled getting into the car.

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