Chapter 2 The Deviant

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Trigger warning: mild crude language

„Who are you? And how can you see me? No one else can," Diego asked, his voice a pitch higher than usual. His aura changed back to panicked orange.

Aleks raised her hands placatingly. "My name is Aleks. Don't be scared. I'm not here to hurt you. I came to help." She kept her voice down not to alarm other passengers. Although, people talking to themselves or the walls was far from the strangest sights in London's tube.

"I'm not scared," he protested.

"Look, I'm Gifted, like you. That's why I can see you."


"That's what people like us are called. People with special... talents."

"Talents..." Diego scoffed. "I didn't want it."

Aleks smiled sadly. "None of us did. Look, I work for a government agency. They help people like us." She reached inside her coat, flashed him her Agency ID, and held it out patiently, waiting for his reaction.

"What do you want from me? I didn't ask for help." His aura was slowly blending from bright orange to more mellow yellow.

"I know you didn't. But I'm afraid you might be in danger. There are people out there who are hunting Gifted."

The swirling aura before her turned brighter again. "What do you mean, hunting?" Diego asked, but there was no surprise in his voice.

"You've been followed before today, did you not?"


"That's why you bolted when you spotted my colleague."

The aura shifted, and Aleks imagined Diego shuffling in his spot. "I'm not sure," he admitted. "I think I've been followed. I've seen some weird, shady people lately. And I had this weird feeling that somebody's watching me, you know?"

"Yeah, unfortunately, I know. Listen─" A crackling in Aleks' ear caught her attention. "Excuse me for a second." She pressed at her earpiece.

"Aleks!" Yuliya's voice sounded faint. Even with her talent enabling her to connect to all surveillance equipment, she struggled to get a good connection in the depths of the London underground. "Listen to me. You have to get off that tube! There are two armed goons from Rioters heading in your direction. They are only three carriages away."

Aleks cursed.

"What's wrong?" Diego asked.

"The guys that were tailing you. You didn't imagine them. They are here, in the same tube."

The orange flared once again.

"I'll get you out of here, I promise. Give me your hand." Aleks raised her hand as the train slowed down, approaching the station.

After a second, she felt a big, warm hand clasping over hers. "Stay hidden and be ready to run as soon as the door opens."

"Two carriages away," Yuliya supplied.

"We're bolting on Green Park. Send back up."

"Be careful, Aleks. If the goons are here, one of the deviants may be here soon too."

"I'll keep my eyes peeled." The train left the tunnel, and the brakes screamed in protest. Aleks moved to the doors, dragging invisible Diego with her. It was an odd feeling holding on to something your eyes couldn't see clearly. It made her brain hurt. Fortunately, the young man did not need much pulling and followed her willingly. "Don't let go of my hand," she instructed as the train finally stopped and the exit opened wide.

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