Chapter 48

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Sunday 11th April, 1977

Being away from Regulus wasn't really helping my mood, but I tried to be happy for my parents, plastering on a smile whenever they looked my way.

I was woken up on Easter Day by a pounding on my door. I groaned, rolling over in my bed in an attempt to rid myself of the assaulting sound, but it only continued. I let out a sound of displeasure and the door was opened, all while I kept my eyes firmly shut.

"Y/n!" James exclaimed; the sound muffled as I pulled my blankets over my head. "Y/n it's Easter!"

"Y/n wants to sleep," I mumbled into my pillow.

The covers were snatched off of me in a sudden moment and I flinched, curling up into myself. "But it's Easter!" Sirius cried.

I glared at the two boys at the end of my bed, finally giving up on the idea of a bit more sleep. The boys, seeing they were victorious, cheered and ran out of my room, no doubt to my parents. Godric, they were annoying.

I went downstairs and found Sirius and James sitting around the kitchen island, 5 cups of coffee steaming on the counter. I took the cup that was meant for me and took a long sip, briefly closing my eyes as I savoured the flavour of the drink. When Effie and Monty walked into the room Sirius and James were on their feet, eagerly waiting for their parent's permission to start searching the house for chocolate.

"Oh, go on then," Monty said with a shake of his head.

Immediately the boys were off, darting in different directions in an attempt to find the most chocolate eggs. I was right behind them, determined not to be the only one without any chocolate. Halfway through the hunt Remus and Peter arrived, and while Sirius and James got side-tracked talking to them I managed to score 5 more eggs.

By the end of the hunt I managed to get the most eggs and Sirius and James were giving me pouty faces, hoping to get me to share some of my chocolates with them.

"Don't give me that look!" I said. "You've got plenty of chocolate!"

"Yeah but you have more," James said glumly.

I rolled my eyes, throwing both him and Sirius a chocolate egg. Satisfied, the two boys shut up, and I was allowed a few moments of peace. I was surprised to find that I was actually happy. I hadn't thought of Regulus all morning, and spending time with my family was actually helping me move forward. Having just thought that, though, my mind strayed to Regulus and I frowned, my good mood souring.

I decided to send the chocolates I had prepared and went upstairs to write the accompanying letters. I had a present for Dorcas, Lily, Marlene, and Mary, and borrowed the family owl to send them off. Throughout the day I received multiple gifts from the girls, only adding to my pile of chocolate. I'd also gotton a chocolate egg from Barty, who had threatened to kill me if I told anyone. I kept that one safe, my heart warmed that he still liked me even after Regulus and I broke up.

I sat back down when I'd sent the presents off, observing the boys as they talked to one another. At one point, Remus nicked one of Sirius's chocolates and before Sirius could snatch it back Remus threw it in his mouth.

Sirius only smiled and said, "you think that's going to stop me?"

"No, not in front of my breakfast," Peter complained, pretending to cover his food's non-existent eyes.

The day went on, a light mood hanging around the house. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves, and I tried to do the same, pretending my mind wasn't obsessing over Regulus and wondering what he was doing for Easter.

I got my answer mere moments later when Euphemia strolled into the living room followed by Fleamont. I sat upright, noticing the serious way they walked and wondering what they had to say.

"Now everyone, we have some things we need to talk about with you. Remus and Peter will be staying with us for the rest of the holidays, is that correct?" the two boys nodded, and Effie continued. "James, Y/n, Monty and I have been invited to an Easter Ball that will be held at Malfoy Manor. Now, the problem here is that it will be happening on the full moon, and it is rather important that at least some of us go. I was wondering, Remus, if you would mind if James, Y/n, and Monty went to the ball? I would stay here, of course, in case you needed anything, and Sirius and Peter would be here too."

"What? No, mum, I need to be there too!" James burst out.

Remus shook his head. "No James, it's fine, your parents have been kind enough as it is, letting me stay in the basement while I- on the full moon. Its completely fine with me, Effie, if they went to the ball."

Effie gave Remus a warm smile, all the while I was freaking out. A ball at Malfoy Manor? Regulus was most certainly going to be there, which meant I would be attending a ball that Regulus Black would be at. Which meant we'd see each other. Which meant I'd probably cry. Oh shit, shit, shit, shit. What was I supposed to do? How could I find a way out of this?

"Perfect," my mother said, oblivious to my internal crisis. "Y/n, can you follow me please?"

I obliged to my mother's request, trailing behind her as she led me to her room. I barely glanced at my surroundings, having been in here thousands of times before, but I noticed the dress hanging in front of the wardrobe. It was a beautiful f/c dress that looked to be exactly my size.

Effie, noticing my gaze, smiled. "I got you a dress for the ball. I knew you'd like it."

"Thanks mum," I said, giving her a smile.

I followed her back out of her room and found that everyone had left the room, no doubt outside playing quidditch. I found Remus on the veranda watching them and sat next to him, watching as James did a risky dive to avoid Sirius causing to Effie yell at him to be careful.

"So, how you feeling?" Remus asked me. "About going to the ball. You know Regulus is going to be there, right?"

I sighed. "Yes, I know."

"How does that... make you feel?"

I made a face. "Not good, and yet at the same time I feel like its all I've ever wanted. Like, I'm scared shitless, but in a good way? Honestly, I have no idea."

"Yeah, it sounds like it," Remus joked, nudging my shoulder against his. "I'm sure you'll be okay, though."

I shrugged my shoulders, unsure how else to answer, and spent the remainder of the day thinking about Regulus.


hello my darlings <3

surprise update because we just hit 200k reads!!! thank you to everyone who helped make this happen, it genuinely makes me so happy!!

i love an appreciate all of you <333

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