Chapter 62

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Friday 21st May, 1977

The final quidditch fame between Slytherin and Gryffindor was tomorrow, and tensions were high. Gryffindors and Slytherins got into squabbles about anything they could, and there were many rumours about failed attempts on several quidditch players lives, though none had been confirmed. Nevertheless, spirits were also high, and you could find many students from different houses conversing and betting on which team would win.

I sat at the Slytherin table with my friends as I ate breakfast. I usually swapped between the Gryffindor and Slytherin table, but something told me it would be safer if I stole some food from the kitchens tomorrow, lest I want to face the wrath of the opposite house than the one I chose.

I was eating my breakfast when the morning post arrived, interrupting me as owl after owl flew into the Great Hall. I got a letter from my mother, as expected, but what surprised me was the letter to Regulus. Immediately I recognised the Black crest and glanced worriedly at Regulus as he snatched the letter up and shoved it in his pocket, his expression dark.

I shared a worried look with Pandora who also saw the letter, remembering our conversation the other day on his family. Again, I wanted to ask him about it, but from the look on Regulus's face it didn't seem like he would answer any questions I had about it.

Regulus and I left the Great Hall, going to our first class together, when Regulus started talking. I was still worrying about his parents, but I tried to pay attention to what he was saying. I failed miserably until I heard him say 'Snuffles'.

"What? Sorry, I blanked out. Can you repeat that?" I asked.

Regulus's brow creased in concern and he brushed his hand over mine. "You okay? You seem worried and out of it."

I felt a burst of appreciation for this boy, who instead of getting upset that I didn't listen to him made sure I was okay and didn't treat me negatively. After I was hit with a strong sense of guilt, because this was the perfect time to ask Regulus about his parents, yet in that moment I knew I wasn't going to. I wasn't ready to face even more pain, even more stress. Things were just slowly getting better, and I didn't want to open another wound and have to go through even more things. It was extremely selfish, I knew, as well as cowardice, which is something I'd been noticing in myself a lot more lately whenever Regulus was involved, because I was too scared to lose him.

I gave him a weak smile. "Yeah, I'm fine. What were you saying?"

Regulus stared at me for a second longer before speaking, and I made sure to listen to what he was saying.

"So, Snuffles visited me again yesterday," Regulus said, lifting my mood. "It's weird, but he sort of reminds me of Sirius."


"Yeah, like, I don't know how to explain it, but whenever I see him, it just feels like I'm seeing Sirius." Regulus explained.

I stared at Regulus, trying to gauge his expression. "And how do you feel about that? Seeing Sirius every time you see Snuffles?"

Regulus looked at the floor, biting his lip, before looking up at me and answering. "It makes me miss him."

I smiled and grabbed his hand, squeezing it lightly as we entered the classroom. I was overjoyed at the fact that Regulus had been able to admit this to me, because it meant things were progressing, however slowly.

"That's good," I assured him. "He misses you just as much, and now the two of you are able to socialise without the threat of your parents interfering."

Regulus nodded his head slowly at my words and gave me a small smile. I mirrored his expression, glancing at him one last time before focusing on our teacher. Classes had become significantly more stressful now that we were rapidly approaching our O.W.L.s. Most of the classes were spent revising the stuff we'd learnt that would be put in our O.W.L.s, so it was important to pay attention.

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