Chapter 18

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*This chapter contains explicit content*

I concentrated on his face the entire ride home, he had his hand on my thigh, rubbing it. I wrapped both of my arms around his and put my chin on his shoulder. I was so happy to be going home. I thought I missed the party scene, but I was very mistaken. Don't get me wrong, it was great. But I found myself wanting to be at home with Judah. The pressure of being in public only further complicated everything that was already going on between us.

I was analyzing his face, it seemed to be my favorite pastime lately. 'He's so perfect. His lips are so yummy. He's so hot. He smells better than sex feels. He's the most precious thing ever. He's all mine. He's my favorite thing in the whole world.' I kept thinking to myself, smiling. I wish I could live in this moment forever.

"You know something?" I asked him quietly.

"Hmm?" He smiled softly, looking forward.

"You're so fucking perfect," I smiled.

He looked at me, lighting up, "Yeah?"

I nodded simply, "I appreciate you so much."

He kissed my forehead, "I love you."

We were both still smiling, "I love you," I replied, tilting my head up to him and kissing him softly. Our lips moved slowly, there was something about the kiss that made me feel like I could fly. I smiled harder, giggling and going in for another kiss. I felt like I was on top of the world.

He squeezed my thigh, groaning softly, "You're like," He kissed me again before speaking again, "You're mine."

I laughed again, "And you, are mine," I ran my thumb over his lips, I'd never been so content with someone's kisses before. I kissed him again, just a quick peck, "Your lips are one of my favorite things in the entire universe. Did you know that?"

He laughed with me, "Did you know that you are my favorite thing in the entire universe?"

I knew I was blushing, I turned my head forward, "You're so cute."

"You're everything, I love you so much," He kissed the side of my head.

I leaned on him, wishing I could melt into him, "I love you too, Romeo."

He laughed, "Romeo?"

"Yeah, you know Romeo and Juliet. Because you're such a hopeless romantic lately."

"Oh really? Hopeless?" He joked.

"Okay, just a romantic then. You don't like it?" I asked. He simply shrugged. I huffed and thought for a second as I looked at him, "What if I called you my King?"

He smiled and looked at me, "You're really tryna come up with a nickname?"

"Yeah! You don't like that one either?" I laughed. We had just pulled into the apartment complex.

"No, they're both fine," He laughed, "Just feels weird I guess. I'm just used to goofy random nicknames that you come up with in the moment you know? I'm not used to hearing you call me things like that."

"Oh, too serious for you then? You're right. They don't suit us very well, do they?" I hummed to myself still thinking.

"I can get used to it though. After all, every Queen deserves a King," He squeezed my thigh again. I swallowed, forgetting what I was thinking about and doing my best to not be impulsive.

The car came to a stop, "See, we can be a cutesy couple."

We both got out of the car on opposite sides, Judah wished the driver a good night as I walked around the car. Judah reached out his hand to me, I grabbed it and held his arm close to me. We walked through the complex to the apartment.

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