Chapter 30

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The next weekend Judah asked to hang out, but I wasn't sure about him coming to the Saturday night thing with everyone. After all, Elijah usually spent the night with me afterwards. I wasn't too tempted to change things that worked for me just because Judah was back in my life. We used to live together, seeing each other with other people all the time anyway. So I ended up saying he could come if he wanted to, letting him know that the whole group would be there.

Cisco had his feet on the arm of the couch, laying down. We had the couch turned around, facing the table. Millie was sitting at the table next to Elijah, Elisha and Isaiah. She was practically shouting at me as I leaned on the kitchen counter, "So is Judah coming this weekend?"

"Is he?" Elijah was wide eyed.

I shrugged letting out a chuckle, "I have no fucking clue."

I finished pouring my drink so I lifted the cup to my lips, taking a long drink. Isaiah laughed, "I hope he does."

"Who's Judah?" Elisha was clueless.

"Your brother's competition," Isaiah stirred the pot.

I rolled my eyes, "No he's not."

"I'd win. No competition," Elijah joked.

"Oh really?" Cisco laughed, sitting up on the couch, "That's rich."

Millie laughed as Isaiah matched her energy and smacked her shoulder, apparently this was funny. I was not amused. Elijah joined the laughter that took over the whole table, "I mean, you can believe what you want. But I would."

"Like fucking hell," Cisco laughed harder, "Do you even know her favorite color?"

I looked at Elijah curious if he actually did. He deflected, "It wouldn't be that kind of competition, I assure you."

Isaiah was overreacting per usual, almost tipping his chair. He always took entirely too much interest in drama. I thought it was very contradictory to my first impressions of him. Cisco laid back on the couch, "Dude that's my sister, you have bad manners."

I smiled this time, Elijah was only arguing to get on Cisco's nerves. But Cisco was clearly done entertaining him. Millie chimed in, "No offense to you, but you honestly couldn't compare. You're hot, you're probably great in bed, you're a decent guy. But none of that's gonna matter."

I furrowed my eyebrows, realizing that they both were under the impression that Judah and I were getting back together. I honestly don't know if Judah would win that competition, especially if that decision needed to be made right now. But, I wasn't going to say that out loud. I couldn't help but wonder why they were rooting for Judah anyway, I understand that they know him way better. Cisco is more understandable, but Millie going up to bat over him? That was interesting, seeing as how he completely stepped out of my life without speaking a word to me.

"I am right here, babe," Cisco put his hands in the air with offense.

"Good thing there is no competition," I smiled, sipping more of my drink and going over to the couch to sit next to Cisco. I made him sit up, I sat on the arm of the chair looking at everyone on the table.

"So, he's a guy she's talking to?" Elisha was still oblivious.

I rolled my eyes, "He's my ex boyfriend and ex best friend of 9 years." The mood shifted slightly. I decided to change the topic, "Can someone spark something?"

"I got you," Isaiah said, followed by the sound of a lighter flicking.

"Damn," Elisha finally replied, "So he really is your competition then?"

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