eleven | date me, mr. archer

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I came to a sudden still, just by the doorpane of the kitchen

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I came to a sudden still, just by the doorpane of the kitchen. The sight that beheld me was. . . . amusing? Maybe even shocking. No, definitely shocking.

"Vienna, oh my god, why would you stop like that abrup— oh. . . . oh?" Savannah gasped besides me. She nudged my side and I turned my head sideways, my eyes still widened in befuddlement. "Are they okay?" She asked, balancing the two bowls of pasta on her tray in one hand, and combing her fingers through her hair with the other.

"Are you okay?" I asked her playfully.

Just ahead of us, Sully was all over Kyst, his arms around Kyst's torso and Kyst looking at him in a funny way; trying to figure out whether to kill him or hug him back. His hands flailed by his side awkwardly before he patted Sully's head like it was a dead fish and attempted to throw him off.

"What do you mean?" she huffed and leaned against the kitchen pane, her eyes glinting with playful mischief.

"You know," I drawled playfully, waving a hand towards the two "lovebirds" and smirked at her. "It looks like Kyst has Sully wrapped around his pinky finger. My my, when was the last time I saw Sully hugging a guy like that?"

Savannah sighed dramatically just as Jenny came around after clearing the kitchen, her hands on her hips, as she looked at the two of us. "Why are you two standing here like that?" she asked, huffing loudly.

Sav rolled her eyes and turned to look at Jenny, still balancing the tray of pasta on one arm. "Vienna is giving me lessons about how I should secure my fiance when she herself can't even admit she has a crush on her boss. Ironic, no, Jenny?"

My eyes widened. "What! Noo I don't— "

"You like him!?" Jenny exclaimed, hands on her hips. A grin formed on her face and she titled her face to stare at me lovingly. "He's a nice guy too, if you ask me."

Sav nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah, I think so too."

I frowned. "You guys have met him once. How would you know if he's nice or just pretending?"

"Vienna," Jenny murmured, albeit a little softly, and it was so unusual of her to switch into a motherly, possessive tone that it startled even Savannah and she turned to look at her, intrugued. "The last time this man was here, he hated this place— "

"No, Jenny, I'm sure that's not true. If he did, he wouldn't be here right now," I stated matter-of-factly, feeling a little guilty about making Jenny feel like someone hated her place.

Jenny bought this particular building with her husband when they had just married, hoping to turn this area into a camp for all ages. She'd told me multiple times how they'd thought about building a library with tons of books, a playground for younger kids, massage rooms, recreational areas and what not. Her dreams had been living and vivid. They were the reasons for her smiles, she would tell to me sometimes.

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