thirty five | the sound of heartbreak

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AN: i apologise for what im about to do.

My first choice for spending a free afternoon would've been having breakfast with Kyst and then taking a walk along a park, hand in hand while he told me the most ridiculously stupid jokes with a straight face

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My first choice for spending a free afternoon would've been having breakfast with Kyst and then taking a walk along a park, hand in hand while he told me the most ridiculously stupid jokes with a straight face.

The past entire week, both Kyst and I had been extremely busy, mostly in the mornings because he was hellbent on taking me out for dates after lunch. I'd told him sometime in the past week that we didn't need to neglect our work for going on dates. After all, we were living together and saw each literally every minute of the day. That was more than enough. His only answer to that was a small smile and a shake of his head. That was it.

At first, I'd been cautious, a nervous feeling niggling at the back of my head. Why did he suddenly want to go on so many dates? What was he thinking? But as the week went on, I let my worries evaporate and sunk into the pleasure Kyst brought me, the happiness and the feeling of calm I felt whenever I was with him.

I loved the colour pink because it reminded me of love and calm. And it was with a sudden gust of wind against my hair and face that I realised I'd always felt calm in Kyst's embrace. Why else would I have let him enter and become familiar with the parts of myself that even I hadn't bothered to understand? Why else would I have always been so reckless, so irresponsible when I was the most sought out person ever? I let that man fuck me in a front yard of a hotel for fuck's sake. Oh no wait, I had initiated it, too.

I hadn't been this carefree in my entire life. I depended on the man more than I cared to admit and now finally, I wasn't scared to admit I was so insanely in love with him. And that was also how I found myself standing in front of my father's house, my hand in the air, contemplating whether to knock on the wooden door or turn around, take the coward's way and just run away.

Again, as I said, if I had a choice, I'd be spending this afternoon with Kyst but he had somehow convinced me to go to lunch with Miller, saying I needed a closure. And he was right. I needed to know his deal with Ken because even though deep down I knew that it might be possible, that his brown eyes were way too familiar, that his little smiles put me back to the times when he played on the school ground and smiled that same smile whenever he scored, I refused to acknowledge that he was back. And he had changed.

When I'd said yes, I wasn't thinking straight. I just needed to get the lunch over so Kyst and I could go out on another surprise date he must've planned. Hell I even thought he had something special planned with how enthusiastic he was about sending me out for lunch, especially with Miller, someone who he still didn't appreciate very much, despite being childhood friends. But when Miller texted me saying he had something important come up and that he was sorry, I'd booked a cab.

The cab was supposed to take me to the office where I could go back to my little, romantic world where there were no tensions, no fears, no complexities, no doubts. But the address I typed in hadn't exactly been what I had in my mind.

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