CHAPTER 22 : We meet Again.

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(That's Ian up there, isn't he cute?)



I checked myself in the mirror for one last time.

"Mommy!" Ian shouted from the living room.

Grabbing my purse, I ran to the living room just to find my baby sitting on the couch with an angry face, lips pouted with arms folded over his chest. As he saw me he climbed down the couch and stood with both hands on his waist. "It's six already, the store will close by 7. I won't be able to choose a nice car."

I rolled my eyes.

"You are always so late." He scolded.

"Am I your mother or you are my? Let's go now and stop acting like my mother kiddo."

He slapped his forehead with his hands.

I picked him up in my arms "Let's go."

"I can walk Mommy!"

"Shut up baby!" Locking the door I stopped a cab getting into it. I kept trying to convince him but the stubborn kid is just like his Dad.

His Dad.

I stopped myself there. Let's not go there.

Finally we reached his favorite store where they sell all kinds of superhero stuff. And after coming to this store my son forgets he has a Mommy.

"Mommy I found it!" Exclaiming Ian ran towards the toy he spotted.

I shook my head sighing then made my way towards the chocolates and snack section to get a few for Ian. A lady named, Lucia takes care of him when I am at work. Last night he was complaining that there aren't any snacks at home for him to have during his free time.

"Ariana." A familiar female voice called my name.

I turned back to find Jade smiling at me. Jade is my neighbor, she has a son and a daughter. She too visits this store frequently. Her husband works in the same news company as mine so we know each other pretty well. She is the only friend I have made in Chicago not because I don't like making friends, but mostly because I don't trust people now. This happens when you have been hurt by someone really close to you.

Shrugging off my thoughts, I concentrated on Jade as she made her way towards me.

"How have you been? Last I saw you was a week ago." She said, scanning my face.

"I am good. You tell me how was your trip?" I asked.

"Okay so Paris was super amazing, Landon and Julia loved it too."

"But weren't you supposed to return a week later?"

She nodded "But your boss called Jacob asking him to join early, so we had to come back this morning."

"He is always a pain in the ass." I said with an experience of three years.

"I mean he granted Jacob, a two weeks off but now see! You know Julia was literally crying while we were coming back. She really loved Paris."

"Julia was crying?" I asked.

She nodded.

"Oh Jesus! My son would kill for her." I commented.

Julia and Ian are friends, she is a year younger than her but my oh-so-dear son always flirts with her. He says he has a crush on her... though I doubt he knows what crush is.

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