Petite Female

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For the next two days, Rebecca did not do any work in the palace, she laid down on her bed through out, according to what the other maids told her, it was prince Alexander who had instructed that she shouldn't be given any work, and just rest until she gets better.

Rebecca was happy, but..... You know, she was still scared. Just four days left to Alexander's coronation. He had instructed that all the maidens in the palace should be measured by the royal family's tailors so new dresses would be sewed for them.

It was unusual because they were maids, he said he wanted every native of the kingdom to have full rights and enjoy the day of his coronation. All the maidens were happy because they wouldn't just attend the coronation as maids but given the opportunity to dress well, eat and dance at the party like everyone else.

( Hey! don't be fooled, I mean, we all know why Alexander did this)

All the maids went for the measurements, although the dresses sewed for them were simple, but they were all different designs and colours. Everyone was awaiting the coronation.

Two days to the coronation. Alexander was in his room when he heard a knock "Come in" he said and it was Julius who entered, he stood and bowed slightly "Your highness" he said. Alexander turned to him " What do you want Julius?" he asked nonchalantly.

Julius cleared his throat before speaking " You seem quite off today, should I send in your favorite maiden?" Julius asked, a small teasing smile on his lips.
Alexander knew exactly what Julius was trying to do " And who is my favorite maiden?" he asked and sat.

"The 22 years old Rebecca" Julius teased. " Why do you think she's my favorite?" Alexander asked "Well... I noticed you have some liking towards her and... I also know you organized these goodies for the maids because of her" Julius said "Get out Julius" Alexander spoke calmly, he hated that Julius noticed everything he did.

Julius laughed " Your highness, you don't have to be worried, your secret is safe with me.." he was still saying "Get out. Julius" Alexander interrupted raising his voice a little and Julius left.

Finally, the coronation day arrived, all the workers in the palace were very busy, including Rebecca. They cleaned the ballroom and decorated it, cooked and all that. Mrs Gloria asked Rebecca and Lilly to go over to Alexander's room to help him get ready.

They both went without complaining, when they got there, Alexander was already almost done dressing.

Both Lilly and Rebecca greeted him and he looked at them "Yes?" he asked but his eyes were fixed on Rebecca, Rebecca and Lilly were not yet dressed for the ball. " Mrs Gloria asked us to come help you get ready, your majesty" Lilly said with her head bowed

" I don't need a million people to help me get ready, go" He said. Lilly and Rebecca turned to go "You wait" Alexander called, both of them turned back to him. He asked Rebecca to stay while Lilly should leave. Lilly was not happy she was told to leave but left anyway, not like she could refuse.

Rebecca looked at Alexander " Why are you still standing there?"Alexander asked and Rebecca quickly walked to him. He only needed to wear his robe and style his hair. Rebecca picked up the robe looking up at him as he was way taller than her.
"Your majesty, I need your hands spread" she stuttered and Alexander slowly spread his arms.

Rebecca walked to stand behind him and she started wearing him the robe.

Rebecca was so close that Alexander had started feeling the heat of her closeness again. She walked back to his front after wearing him the robe and started arranging the robe on his body while he looked down at her.

Rebecca could feel his eyes on her, she looked up, his grey/green eyes starred into her sky blue eyes, they kept starring at each other for a while and Rebecca parted her lips unconsciously. That did not go unnoticed by Alexander, his eyes dropped to her lips ' What is so attractive about this girl?' he asked himself.

He kept starring at her and she did the same, he realized she was actually admiring him and wasn't conscious of what she was doing, that made a smile form on his lips. He felt proud that he could attract her this much.

And at that instant he felt the urge to hold her in his arms, and kiss her. It was already almost time for the ball, the time was 8:30pm and the ball had already begun but his arrival at the ball should be 9:00pm.

Alexander thought of cancelling the coronation, and kiss this petite female who had not been able to look away from him, undress her and take her to bed, but he knew cancelling the ball wasn't possible or right, and if he made a move on Rebecca she might get scared.

He lifted a hand to hold her face and just like that, the spell was broken. Rebecca came back to her damn senses, she moved away from him, immediately bowing her head.

Alexander frowned ' Why does she have to always move away and not look at him?' he thought. This alone made him hate being king for a second, I mean he'll be officially king in few minutes, and the girl he was attracted to was giving him way too much respect that he didn't even need.

" Your highness, we'll proceed to your hair, if you are okay with that please take a seat" Rebecca spoke still bowing her head. "Why do I have to sit?" he asked, of cause he knew she was short and couldn't reach his head, he just wanted to tease her, he thought of punishing her right now for moving away from him.

"I..I..I can't. your... hair" Rebecca admitted even though she stuttered

Alexander walked to the chair in front of the mirror and sat watching Rebecca through the mirror. Rebecca walked to him, took some oil in her hand and started gently applying it to his hair and softly massaging it. Alexander closed his eyes, he liked the feeling of her small hands touching his hair, it felt...

Next chapter is a whole mood. Lol

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Xoxo ❤️

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