Please punish me

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The sun rays shone in through the window reflecting on Rebecca's face, she slowly blinked her eyes and opened them, she stretched her body feeling very comfortable on the bed, she paused realizing she wasn't in the maid's quarters. She quickly looked around and saw she was in king Alexander's room and on his bed, the bed was so large that she looked so small on it.

' No, no, no, how did I get here' she thought panicking, she quickly sat up looking around, she looked at herself , all her clothes were still on her, her hair was the only thing loosed from the bun it was in, she knew she didn't come here by herself, she remembered drinking alcohol and Alexander asked her if she was okay, she couldn't remember anything else.

Rebecca got down from the bed and wore her shoes, she hurried out of the room making sure no one saw her. She hurried to the maid's quarters and lucky for her, no one was there, they must have all gone to work now, she took off the dress, had her bath and got dressed in one of her big ugly clothes, she didn't style her hair, she hurried out to join the other maids.

Immediately Rebecca entered the kitchen, all the maidens hurried to her asking her about last night, they had all seen her with Alexander dancing and how he stood with her through out, they also saw him pull her out of the party and then she didn't return to the maids quarters.

Rebecca told them she had no idea why he chose to dance with her and she only  woke up this morning, she doesn't remember anything. They asked her if Alexander slept with her, she told them she was drunk last night but woke up with her clothes intact so he didn't touch her. Some didn't believe her, some did, some were angry and envious.

Rebecca did not tell them it was the king's room she woke up in.
   Throughout out the day, Rebecca tried to recall what happened the previous night but she couldn't. Soon it was noon, Rebecca had been trying her very best to avoid the king but now she had to go clean his private chamber, since the day she was sent to give him his food. they've been making her serve him more often, since they were still scared .

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Rebecca stood holding her cleaning equipments , a dust broom and a mop, she stood outside the chamber  and peeked in hoping  Alexander was not inside and thankfully he wasn't, she sighed in relief but that was no use since a voice came from right behind her " What are you doing?" The very familiar manly voice spoke and Rebecca screamed in shock dropping the broom and mop in the process, she turned around .

It was Alexander standing very close in all his glory. He starred at her with a playful smirk. " your majesty" Rebecca quickly bowed " I asked what you were doing" he reminded "I.. I .I ... was..ahh.. about.. to.. go..go.. clean your Chambers" she stammered gripping her dress tightly.

Alexander nodded knowingly "Why were you peeking then? " he asked leaning closer to her and she just remained silent, she didn't have an excuse " I'm sorry your highness, it wouldn't happen again" she said with her head still bowed " Isn't there something else you need to be sorry for?" Alexander asked.

Rebecca quickly looked at him, she knew what he was talking about had to do with last night, ' what had she done?' she wondered, she hated herself for not being able to remember " What ever I have done to offend his highness, I am truly sorry, punish me if you please" Rebecca said and bowed her head again  ' God why did she suggest he punish her ' she scolded herself

When she didn't see any movement from him or hear him say anything, she looked up and met his eyes , she blinked before bowing her head again.

Alexander was in deep thoughts ' Did she really not remember?' he thought then moved closer to her, Rebecca who was already standing by the wall moved back and her back met with the wall, Alexander used the opportunity in trapping her right there.

He placed his left hand on the wall by her while he used his right hand in holding her chin up to look at him " You really don't remember anything from last night?" he asked looking serious as he watched her face.

Rebecca slightly shook her head indicating a NO. Alexander did not remove his hand from her chin because he knew she'd bow her face again and he didn't like that at all. He liked looking at her face, like last night , she had been very bold, she spoke freely with him and even held his face. He smiled as he remembered.

" Should I remind you then?" he asked still smiling at Rebecca. She was confused, she didn't know if she wanted to know what she did anymore. She was scared. when she didn't answer, Alexander spoke anyway

" I'll take your silence as a yes. .... You were quite bold like night" he started with a bit of mockery in his tune, his smile suddenly widened " You asked me to kiss you" he lied and like he expected, Rebecca looked shocked beyond words, she stiffened.

Rebecca couldn't believe she said that. Yes she had thought about kissing him before but that was just her stupid imaginations

" You also ordered me to take off your shoes, you told Julius he was ugly and you told me you wanted to have my bed, that I should get out" Alexander said, his smile not faltering. Of cause he had thrown in a few lies, well not a few tho , more like alot of lies.

Before Alexander could speak further, Rebecca fell to her knees with teary eyes " I'm so sorry your majesty, please forgive me, I have acted out of my stupidity , please your highness" she begged, a single tear falling down her cheeks.

That instant, Alexander hated himself, this wasn't his intention, now he had gotten her scared and crying, he bent down to her level and slowly wiped off her tear, his smile had long disappeared.

He badly wanted to apologise to her but didn't know how to go about it "Please punish me your majesty" Rebecca said still crying. Alexander held her back to her feet and he...


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