Ch 82:Chased Out 1

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Where could they go? Madam Qian couldn't think of anywhere.

"Don't worry, Third Brother will lend us money. When the time comes, we can build a house and farm some land."

Chen Hu knew that Madam Qian was worried. He comforted her gently.

"When the farmers are busy next year, I can work for the villagers. When they're not busy, we can go to town and find work. As long as we have a place to live, our family won't starve."

Chen Hu became more and more determined. He was not afraid of hardship. He was willing to do any dirty work that others were unwilling to do, so he would definitely be able to survive.

He was not afraid of hardship. He was only afraid that no one would understand his hardship and be slighted.

As long as the people he cared about understood him, he was not afraid of anything. Chen Hu held Madam Qian's hand and said, "Dear, believe me."

Madam Qian held Chen Hu's hand back. She said softly, "I believe you. I'll follow you for the rest of my life. I'll follow you wherever you go."


Chen Hu only replied with one word.

Madam Qian leaned against Chen Hu, and the two of them huddled close together.

The next morning, there was a commotion outside.

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Chen Hu got up and realized that it was Mother Chen who had asked Madam Yang and Madam Wu to move all the food in the kitchen to the main room.

Mother Chen glared fiercely at Chen Hu.

Chen Hu's cold expression as he held the stick frightened Mother Chen. She wanted to curse him but swallowed her words.

Chen Long and Chen Qiang were also holding clubs, but in the end, they did not dare to make a move.

Chen Hu did not say anything and went straight to the chicken pen to kill the chickens.

Seeing that he wasn't making a fuss, Mother Chen thought that she had suppressed him.

When she heard the rooster crow, Mother Chen immediately reacted. She immediately slapped her thigh and howled, "Damn it, God, why didn't you kill him with lightning?"

Mother Chen howled and ran to the chicken coop. Her anger made her lose her rationality and curse, "You bastard, do you want to die?"

Chen Hu looked at Mother Chen coldly. He did not even take out a knife. He took a bat and hit the chicken's head to smash it. This ruthless method frightened Mother Chen so much that she stopped cursing.

Chen Long, who had followed them, was also shocked.

Chen Hu had smashed the chicken head.

Chen Hu killed two chickens and carried them to the kitchen without a word. He was still holding the bloody cudgel, and no one dared to stop him.

He went to stew the chicken.

When the fragrance of the chicken stew wafted, Mother Chen's father's expression was extremely ugly.


Chen Long and Chen Qiang's children were arguing about eating chicken. As expected, they were beaten up.

After the chicken was stewed, Chen Hu placed it in a large pot and returned to the room to eat with his family.

Even though the food was moved to the main room, Chen Hu kicked open the door and went to get rice to cook. He didn't even put any corn flour in the rice. Mother Chen's heart ached so much that she felt dizzy.

[1]Transmigrated As A Delicate Bundle Of Luck For A Farming Family जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें