Plastic Straws

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Short story

Alternative ending to 'Where The Magic Happens.' Where Ben brings a smoothie into Legerdomain.

Ben throws empty cup at Addwaitya and the straw gets lodged in his nose and he's choking to death

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Ben throws empty cup at Addwaitya and the straw gets lodged in his nose and he's choking to death.

"Give us the rune or we let you die." Gwen says.

He throws it to Gwen and Ben pulls the straw out.

"Can't believe the universe was saved by a smoothie." Gwen said.

"Man talk about chekhov's gun." Kevin says.

Charmcaster reaching for the discarded straw and charging it with magic glaring at the alien.

Pizza parlor

Ben, not being famous enough in this universe, couldn't get smoothies at this hour but knew of a pizza place open.

Getting a corner booth Ben and Charmcaster took a seat.

"You a vegetarian or anything?" Ben asked.

"A what?" Charmcaster asked tilting her head.

"Do you have any food restrictions?" Ben asked.

"No." Charmcaster said.

"One medium Ultra Meat with a side of chilli fries." Ben said.

"Out of chilli tonight dear." The waitress said "what can I get you to drink?"

"Water for me and uh vanilla shake for her." Ben said.

When she left Charmcaster said "What's a vanilla shake?"

"It's vanilla ice cream blended with milk." Ben said "In my universe you seemed to enjoy it so..."

"Your universe?" Charmcaster asked.

Ben took a deep breath "Ok here's how it was explained to me. You ever hear the phrase 'Time is a River?'."

"Duh it's why no Mage can time travel." Charmcaster said.

"Yeah uh...its not a river it's a freaking tree." Ben said "Look how it was explained to me."

[Pay attention this is how it works for this.]


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