Time slipping

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Ok I need to do a question for how I address Azmuth's.

1. Keep it Azmuth Prime and Lesser Azmuth.

2. Azmuth-A and Azmuth-B

Ben and Gwen are officially 17 and 16.

Ben, Charmcaster and Hex(?) Explains what happened in the past.

Rustbucket 2.5

Max had sent a few recordings of Ledgerdomain to Patelliday and said "Officer Tennyson was planning on beginning an excursion here without significant backup."

Patelliday had went fish eyed at the sight "Well your gonna be telling Proctor about this. Thank you for lookin' out for my guppies Maxxie."

The computer went quiet then Ben's badge range and the image was pulled up on the same monitor.

"Do you know how long you've been missing?" Patelliday asked.

"75 hours, 50 minutes." Ben said.

"And what exactly was the reason for this excursion?" Patelliday asked.

"Stopping a monster." Ben said.

The recordings from Max's Badge and Ben's Back up had been enough for both Patelliday and Proctor [guys I need help with a name for Max's higher up. I could use Servantis but he's the Null Void sector.]

"Uh Benny, you were standing shoulder to shoulder with the leader of the Forever Knights who was willingly doing so?" Patelliday asked.

"Yes. In my timeline they had been responsible for a purge of any Extraterrestrials they could find." Ben said "But near the end of the summer we had faced an extra dimensional creature known as Dagon and the knights had either died swinging or bent the knee to their king."

"I see." Patelliday said "Patelliday signing out."

"Officer Tennyson signing off." Ben said.

"Happy birthday." Patelliday said before the call ended.

"KITT voice mail." Ben said.

"2 messages from Azmuth. 1 message from Grey. 1 message from Luhley. 1 message from Sugar Tail."

Max raised an eyebrow.

"XLR8 keeps changing the destination." Ben said.


"Ben, call when you get this."

"Merry Christmas dad."

"Ben you glorious bastard! a custom M8 receiver?!"

"Hey Ben it's Helen-" "and Alan-" "and Manny-" "and Pierce." "MERRY CHRISTMAS!" The Plumbers kids shouted.

"You got Luhley a Plasma shotgun receiver?" Max asked "Secret Santa was 100 dollars."

"Looma gets bored with being not allowed to train so she's been focusing in her metal work." Ben said "I told her I wanted to make something for my older sister and we got to work.'

"When did you-" Max started.

"Grampa, Khoros is 2 minutes away for me." Ben said "Solara and Looma aren't exactly hard to hang out with when I have a few hours. Did you know every Tetramand is required to learn at least 3 instruments and 2 trades?"

"Really?" Max asked.

"Yeah Looma is a total grease monkey and loves to sew. And Solara...that girl can COOK! Loves carving too." Ben said "I grew her a tree with swampfire and she squealed at the chance to work with it."

Helping Gwen 10Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora