Chapter 4

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Chapter 4. 

Newsday report provided some shocking information about a massacre, which took its place on the 27th October at a local café near the corner of Jackson Rd and Sydney Street.

A peaceful Friday evening, which boded nothing extraordinary except of a few bar fights over trivial matters, led to a slaughter causing five people dead, and seven hospitalized.

John Christie, 30 years old, smashed the big picture window of Old Pal's café and swept through the broken bits of glass as all visitors started to panic and flee away.

Some witnesses claim that John Christie had arrived at the café already wounded and bleeding badly. As he made his way through sharp pieces of broken glass, he was half-conscious, half-delirious, screaming that he would tear his heart apart. One of his hands held a sparkling in the café lights object.

Elizabeth Tonor, 22 years old, a waitress at this notorious café, wound up the first victim in the way of this intruder. According to her co-worker's statement, Patrick Roosevelt, 24 years old, Elizabeth was the first who had caught a glimpse of John behind the window. She shrieked and fell down, after which the man somehow broke the window with his body and fell into the hall.

Patrick described Elizabeth as a cheerful and determined worker, who would help anyone without any additional ado. His opinion on her was strictly positive.

"I can't wrap my mind around the fact that she ain't here no longer... I did everything I could to save her. I really tried... I loved her, you know? She was the one," he would later confess to our reporter after shedding a few portions of tears.

The police had confirmed the victims' identities and five after conducting their investigation. Although the case has to be clear-cut, they do not rush to close it, as some people are reported to be missing and intentions of the murderer still remain obscure.

Our reporters are present at work twenty-four seven to seek for new information to update our dead viewers with all up-to-date information.

Investigation is ongoing, as does our work. 

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