Author's Note

28 23 3

Just one little star, happy that you've trod such a long path.

Just one little star, happy that you've trod such a long path

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I must thank you. 

There are millions of work on Wattpad that only wait for their time to be revealed. Thousands of wannabe writers never see their own readers. Hundreds of thousands of stories will be crushed by the wheels of ruthless time.

But you have chosen this one, why? Many reasons, even more theories—no matter which one is real, I am still deeply grateful for you to be here and giving my work some of your precious attention, even if it is the only chapter you have read.  

This journey is finished. 

This story will go into my collection of stories that I want to compile and print later on in my life without a certain hope to publish them. They may be good, may be trash; but, despite everything, I am happy to have given a chance for this story to live.

The next story is not far off – I will try to put my heart and soul into it, and then another, and another. Like Achilles, slaying his enemies until his own life is ceased, I will keep writing. More modestly, of course, but with no less passion. 

In case if you decide to stay with me and read my next works, it will be even more than I could ever dream of. 

The story.

The main character, David Tonor, stayed alive, and, perhaps, he found happiness with the young lady he came across on the street. She happened to be the same friend of his younger sister, Elizabeth Tonor, who was murdered in the café (something that is clear-cut for you, I suppose). The girl's name was Martha, and she arrived to the city to attend the funeral of her best friend. 

In addition, David found a letter in one of the city alleys, which was addressed to the murderer, Patrick Roosevelt, from his (Patrick's) uncle. He was blackmailed in the letter, which could be the reason of his break-down. This was the last assumption that David had after reading the letter, for there were no other reasons to explain the murderer's behavior. Drunk and demented, what could be else? Perhaps, nothing—nothing that would suffice the hate of a person who lost his sister again.

However, as with many eerie movies they would watch together with Martha, life could conceal secrets incomprehensible for a human's mind. Thus, they were always watched—watched by someone whose name was Sjurd, which happened to be one of the names of...

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