Seven - Catalina

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Well, I'm guessing from his reaction that I've overstepped. Typical of my plan to carry me away far past what's appropriate and completely misread the situation. I had a good thing going there for a minute, but there's no way to come back from accidentally proposing a real marriage when a fake one would do. Whatever possessed me has clearly gone, leaving a gaping cold space where my insides used to be.

"I'm sorry. I meant. I only meant." I hold out my dress, hoping he'll help me into it and forget I said anything.

"You would marry me?" he whispers. "With nothing to recommend me?"

"You still believe you have nothing to recommend you?" I ask, and from the look on his face it's clear he does.

"Well," I say finally, as he seems frozen in place. "I think there is probably plenty to recommend you. And I—"

"You can't possibly trust the word of women I've never conversed with. You can't make a life-altering decision to save me from my father. I can't let you do that on my behalf."

I assumed he would have noticed by now. "You really don't remember me, do you?"

"Remember you?" His face pinches up like I've confused him or he's eaten a sour citrus.

"We met at court four or five summers ago. You had a woman on your arm I believed to be a relation but all the other ladies stayed away."

"And you did not. You just came over to introduce yourself," he whispers. "Cata..."

"Grand niece of his excellency," I finish for him. "Yes."

"You said... you said you weren't looking for a match at court."

"You said the same," I laugh. "And it seems we were both telling the truth as here we stand years later unwed still. But now it appears our hands are being forced. And if we must marry, what's to stop us from taking this decision into our hands? My great uncle still has connections with a local priest. If we're to return married, what are they going to do?"

His jaw falls. "Cata," he whispers again. "Where were you these last years?"

"School," I admit. "My father thinks I was away learning languages but my aunt arranged a thorough education. I had planned to run away from there, but my father enticed me back with the promise of choice and passing duties to my sister. As you know, she's very willing, but he doesn't mean to actually allow it. All he cares about are his pocketbook and his proximity to court."

"I bet it would really irritate him to know you've brought yourself closer to the court than he could have ever achieved with his match."

Closer to court? Closer...?

"I am to inherit my uncle's title upon his death. He has no sons living. I will use the income to provide for his daughters. My wife would have to agree to this, of course."

"Your uncle?"

A smile crawls across his face, waiting for my brain to catch up to my words. "Your uncle the Crown Princess's godfather?"

He nods. "That uncle."

"So you're—"

"Independently wealthy, guaranteed a place at court, and destined for higher status than my father?" he answers. "Yes. But only upon my uncle's death. And I wish that man a long and happy life."

"But if we were to return wed, would your father allow it?"

"He'd have to, wouldn't he? 'What God has joined, let no man put asunder' right? If there's one thing my father wants to appear it is pious. You know how Her Majesty feels about the church."

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