Chapter 1

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Out in the forest, it was too easy to pretend that everything was perfect. Within the Nantangs' calls and the Ritis' chirping and the Pa'lis stamping about, peace was not hard to find.

Leyra could forget about her life in the village for a few fleeting seconds here and there. But then the little reminders, such as her particularly makeshift bow, or her ratty clothes, or her unusual white skin, would send her crashing back into her reality like a tidal wave.

Said reality included spending most of her days alone, with trees for friends and bugs for company. Her father, the only clan member who would willingly converse with her, spent all his days hunting or planning hunts as Jake Sully's--the Omatikaya Olo'ektan's--second in command.

Sometimes she liked her father's position. She'd get a heads up on where not to go to avoid the hunting parties and training sessions, and he'd occasionally come home with interesting drama for her regarding the other clan members.

Her mother had died on the frontlines of the Battle of the Tree of Souls. She had been an amazing warrior, well-renowned in the clan. Leyra's father won't say it outright, but her mother had been devastated when she was born. A perfect warrior giving birth to an albino freak show. She didn't have to live with the shame for long, as she died only one month after Leyra had been born.

Her father had been an amazing parent to her, supporting her and taking care of her the best that he could under Mo'at's rules. He brought her portions of the meals to eat separate from the clan so she could avoid the stares and whispers that still occurred even though she was bordering on seventeen.

Over time, the forest had become her safe space where she spent most of her time, despite the amount of times it had almost killed her. Though, she had learned a lot through experience and developed her own way of surviving in it.

Currently, she was perched in a tree beside some harmless little birds and was watching the Pa'li stampede around and drink nectar.

The sound of twigs snapping caught both her attention and that of the Pa'li. Another crunch had the horse-like creatures began herding themselves away from the source of the sound. Leyra leaned back to look around the tree and see what animal had made the sound, only to find a young Na'vi boy stumbling his way through the underbrush.

He must be lost, she thought. Hopping down from the tree soundlessly, she approached the young boy.

"Hello," she spoke softly, startling the boy only a bit. "My name is Leyra," she flicked her finger away from her face in Na'vi greeting, "are you lost?"

Unbeknownst to them both, Neteyam had already spotted them, but kept his distance as he was surprised to see such a different-looking Na'vi teen.

The little boy returned the gesture sheepishly and muttered a, "yes, very."

She let out a small giggle at his honesty. "What were you doing out this far in the forest in the first place?"

"Neteyam agreed to take us kids out to see the hunters train, but I got distracted by a bug and was separated."

"Ah, I see. Would you like me to take you back to the village or to the training grounds?"

"You know the way?" He was bewildered. Leyra found it refreshing to speak to someone who had no hatred or pity or really any opinion at all of her.

"Yes, of course I do. I am not lost at all, I never am."

"Wow. But how? The forest all looks the same everywhere!"

"There are differences. I can teach you once you're older, if you want. That way, you'll never get lost again."

"Yes, please! Umm, could you take me back to the village? I sure would like to see my mom."

Leyra ~ (Neteyam x OC)Where stories live. Discover now