Chapter - 22 Lucas, Adonis and Athena

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As soon as everyone rushed towards Adonis, Lucas sternly looked at them and shows his power by strongly objecting them to come near her and said by emphasizing each words, " Leave everyone. Let me handle here. I promise she will be much more safer with me than anywhere else. Also, he added that, you all might know by now that I am the tower mage head and I will be the best person to protect her from any potential threats to come towards her as she is the one people might want to covet. So you can all be rest assured. "

The emperor acknowledged his request and ordered Lucas to be careful and reminded him to handle her with utmost care and gentleness or else he will have to face the consequences.

Lucas nodded his head in agreement towards the emperor before he picked Adonis in his arms and lifted her up in a bridal style and left the venue taking her to the Mages tower.

He gently placed Adonis on his bed in the room allotted for the tower mages head to use. Once he made sure Adonis is comfortable in the bed, he has an unreadable but cold expression on his face.

Meanwhile, back at the place where testing took place:

Winston started to argue on " Why was she handed over to a complete stranger? I mean we are the family and we can protect her. "

Crown Prince Xavier replied calmly explaining to Winston, " Your sister is revealed to have the highest and all the legendary attributes so far in the history. If there is one place people will not search for her is the tower mage place and it's best for her to stay there as she will be protected where people can use magic and cast protection spell for her. Also, it seems like your sister fainted from the exhaustion of thinking on how she has all the attributes. I am sure she is as confused as we all are making her go into panic mode. "

Winston acknowledged the reasoning given by the crown prince but was still unhappy to see his sister in a strangers arms or living in a strangers place especially when it's a boy. He was a being a bit grumpy about the entire situation but eventually, he cope up with it.


How is this possible, how can I have all the legendary attribute? I am the villainess in this game. Is it a glitch in the game as I remember everything and made the capture targets my friends or is it the after math of diverting the game from the original flow.

Am I being punished and is this the repercussions of my behaviour and meddling in the game but it is my life now and I don't want to be a villainess especially when I remember everything. How can I sit back and see people suffering. why is it happening to me?

Why am I being punished in this way god? The last thing I remembered is my body being swayed from the after shock I received and before I could lose my consciousness, I remembered seeing a person running towards me.

Once again all I see around me is the white space with no one around me and no end to it making me feel and say Deja vu. I started walking towards the area which is less bright and at the end I saw a pretty and beautiful lady wearing her armour, spear in one hand while a shield in the other hand with a head of snakes in between the shield. 

After a while, I recognized her and whispered, " Goddess Athena. "

" Welcome back my child. I have been waiting for your arrival. "

Adonis : " Goddess Athena, I have so many questions to ask. Why do I possess all the legendary attributes? Am I worthy? "

Athena : " I know what is going on in your head my child but, all I can tell you is a riddle to be figured out by you. " So, listen carefully.

" There is a time limit to find your other half,

I shall tell this tale with a pain in my heart,

Two roads, diverged and created a path of four,

I wish for a healthy, free, for the world coming forth,

Henceforth, postpone no more, find your consort,

Embarking a journey to save the world, it is indeed a work of duet,

Remember to find your pair or else there will only be despair,

The person of oracle is enlightened, The chosen one needs to be heightened,

Together with your better half, you will be able to make it through,

To Bring the peace back and lift the curse. "

Adonis : " What do you mean by better half, How am I suppose to find him if I have a time limit? "

Athena : " My child, like I said before I might not be able to tell you simply but only in riddles. I can give you some hints, it's all you who have to decipher the meaning behind it. "

" Two different people united and unified by destiny,

Many distinct paths to chose but only one leads to eternity,

Every man wants to be like him while every woman is searching for him,

Fret not as he will be having his eyes and heart only for you my dear,

Don't rush, for you will find him close by,

Do not tread lightly, as he is not what he seems to be likely,

He is like snow and beautiful but cold,

Fear not my child, since he will be an epitome of peace, love and light. "

Adonis : " So basically I have to find my partner who will help me embark on this journey to lift the curse as I am the said person mentioned in the oracle. "

Back in Tower :

Adonis was frowning, brows creased and was murmuring something in her sleep as if distress by something. So, Lucas being a gentleman, tried to unfurrow her brows and hold her hands giving it a squeeze. Just as he holds the hands and squeezed it, Lucas had flashbacks from when he was still in his mother's womb.

It seems like my mother has formed a contract with a human who was pure hearted and ended up helping in a war to freed the magical beasts from the evil humans hands who were abusing their powers for monetary gains but during that war, I lost my father whose familiar was my mother.

It was a brutal war with bloody mess all over where a lot of magical beasts ended up dying along with my father and his best friend but by the time my mother was pregnant and gave birth to me, my mother heard the news of my father's heroic demise. I had lost my father whom I never got to see or who never got to see me being born and I see my mother is in so much despair, shock to lose her lover and contractor.

Since my father dies, she being a familiar was unable to stay in this world anymore but she was not an ordinary person as she was a goddess, she managed to save my father's soul, cast a curse to protect the beast and to protect me.

Since my father dies, my mother was unable to stay in this world anymore so she entrusted me to the magical beasts in the forest who took care of me very heartily until the day this girl was born and I was able to leave the foggy forest.

To my surprise, the curse and the fog in the forest never aged me and it seems like I was able to come out of the forest is also thanks to this young lady. My mother made sure for me to survive in the wilderness with enough love and care.

Until now I resented my mother for leaving me alone in the wilderness and abandoning me but it seems like she never has any choice to stay in this world and take care of me.

My mother's name is Athena who is a Goddess of war and wisdom while my father's name is Amadeus who happens to be a King died an heroic death by protecting his best friend Benedict.

Unfortunately the friend died protecting my father's body and his soul from perishing forever by having his familiar Lycan king saving my father's soul.

Eventually my father's soul was saved but the friend died in process and Lycan king ended up saving his soul as well along with my father's. Before my father dies, he has decided to name me Apollo Eros Amadeus and my mother laughed at it.

Even if I don't resent my parents anymore, I don't know how to face them and ask them the tons of questions which I have in my mind.

If not for this girl, I would have never known the past regarding my birth, birth name my parents gave me or ever knew about my parents.

Reincarnated in an Otome game named "Intertwined fates" as a villainess.Where stories live. Discover now