Chapter 40 - Chaos and Secrets.

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As soon as all the group members exited the basement, due to the loud tremor and rumbling, the headmaster of the Zeamia Academy came to know that something is not right. Immediately he had the entire academy on lockdown and made an annoucement loud enough for all the students in different part of the academy to hear and go to their dorm rooms.

After the announcement, there was an emergency meeting held by the Headmaster Zinaida and he also called for all the professionals and experts in the magical realm. Once all the people called for the meeting arrived, the meeting was started by the Headmaster Zinaida of the Zeamia Academy 

Headmaster Zinaida asked all the people in the meeting involved to swore to secrecy to keep things discussed in here to themself without sharing the information to the others and failing to do so will commenced in draining or in worse case scenario, loosing their own magic.

One by one everyone present swore to keep the secrecy and the meeting started. Headmaster Ziinaida informed everyone the reason for the emergency meeting and stated that, today he felt that the magic we all painstakingly applied to seal in the basement had some fluctuations in it.

The reason is unknown and we experienced the after effects of the tremors and rumbling in the entire Academy and you all know by now what it means. While the people in the meeting were still listening and discussing among themselves, Tower mage Lucas and Crown Prince Zavier came looking for headmaster. 

The message about them here to seek the headmaster was secretly passed on to him through telepathy and he paused the meeting to go out and meet with them in the lobby. Once in the lobby, Tower Mage Lucas said, can we go to a more secluded place so we can discuss on the incident and reason for the tremors and rumbling from the earlier we all experienced.

Headmaster Zinaida thought about it for a while and asked, " How do you know about it? Before answering that, follow me. " Both Tower Mage Lucas and Crown Prince Zavier followed headmaster Zinaida into the meeting room which he came from earlier.  

Inside the room, there were approximately 4 to 5 people sitting on a round table discussing about something. As soon as Crown Prince Zavier and Tower Mage Lucas entered, they stopped talking and looked questioningly at headmaster Zinaida. 

Before anyone could say anything first, Emperor Alexander De 'crux Quinn of the empire who  was also present in the meeting, looked at Zavier and asked him, " Son, why are you here? What's wrong? " 

Crown Prince Zavier replied immediately, " Father, we were here to talk to Headmaster about the recent events and we asked him to bring us to a secluded place where we can talk and this is where he brought us. " Hearing Crown Prince Zavier's answer, everyone present looked at Headmaster Zinaida for the answers on what these 2 students were doing here? 

Looking at their questioning looks, headmaster Zinaida immediately replied and quenching their thirst to the questions they have by stating, " These boys here came to talk to me regarding the incident on what we were discussing earlier. It seems like they have answers to our questions for today's meeting agenda. "

" So, I brought them in here to the meeting to discuss the same. Before you question the credibility of their statements, I would like to remind you that don't ever underestimate my students as one will be the future king while the other is already a tower mage of our kingdom. " 

" With this, I am hoping that I have cleared all your suspicions and answered all of your questions. If you have no more queries, then I would like to continue the meeting and hear what these boys have to say. " 

Crown Prince Zavier and Tower Mage Lucas nodded at each other before going towards the round table and grabbing a seat for themselves. Once seated, Headmaster Zinaida asked them to continue the talk about the reason they are here for. 

Crown Prince Zavier was the first one to speak and said, " Today after our legendary class for Creation and Destruction, we went to explore the academy and premises of our academy to fulfill and finish our assignment while doing so, we came across a basement which seems like abandoned for a long time. "

" All the people including me, Lucas, Asher, Aurora, Adonis and Prince Felix were present to do our assignments together. We entered by opening the basement when suddenly, we felt tremors and Tower Mage Lucas was the one who alarmed everyone present to leave the place immediately. While we were on our way out, we heard your announcement to go to our dorms immediately. "

" As for why Lucas said that it's not safe here I don't know but I agreed to his command and also commanded to follow him as I had a feeling that something is not right as if we triggered something which was supposed to stay hidden or sealed. "

After Crown Prince Zavier gave his explanation, Tower mage Lucas explained to the people present that, " He felt the darkest and evilest energy in the room when the tremors began which can never be a good sign. "

" After carefully observing, I noticed that one of the people in the group might have accidentally stepped on the seal which was on the ground. By stepping on the seal, I believe that we might have accidentally released the dangerous and harmful sealed person or entity. "

" As for proving my theory right, I can assure you that it was done accidentally and it was also done by Asher who doesn't even know that he released the seal. As for my proving, I will say in my defence that the tremors started when Asher stepped away from the circle on the ground which I can assure you once again that even he himself was not aware of. "

" Now as per my knowledge, the entity which you all might have sealed seems to be very powerful as it created the tremors and rumbling of the buildings throughout the Academy. What I am still not sure is how can Asher unlock the seal or release it unknowingly? " 

Hearing this, Headmaster Zinaida answered Lucas's question, " Hmm, to answer your question my child, it seems like there was a powerful person present in the room through that person's energy, the devil which was sealed away generations ago with so much efforts seems to have been released. As for who that powerful person was, I don't think I need to tell you as you all know who she is. " 

Tower Mage Lucas immediately responded, " It has to be Adonis as she is the one who has most of the powers and also she is the one with all the legendary attributes. The devil might have absorbed energy from her and she might not have even realized it. " 

Headmaster Zinaida replied back, " Dear child, you are mistaken. It wasn't just her. It has to be all of you. Not only Adonis but I see you, Zavier, Felix you all are also powerful enough than most of the student's who are near graduation. " 

" What we all have to be careful about is, the devil will now target Adonis since, she is the key to his release as she has all the 4 legendary attributes which can make him powerful enough to attack our world and manipulate the people by corrupting their minds. " 

" Student's you will have to be very careful and protect Adonis with everything you have but, we cannot tell her about it. It's better for her to not know about the situation. Also, I would like to assign both you and Zavier a task to protect Adonis. " 

" The task of protection of Adonis is officially given to both Tower Mage Lucas and Crown Prince Zavier. I hope you will both protect the young lady with all your might. Understood? " 

Reincarnated in an Otome game named "Intertwined fates" as a villainess.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora