Entropy and Death

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14 years ago

Earth Prime

Peter panted heavily. He had been swinging around for the past fifteen minutes, trying desperately to contain the swarm of aliens coming out of the portal. He looked around to see how everyone else was doing. Bruce was slowly being pushed back, making great use of his batarangs, but there were just too many in the printing press. Flash was moving as fast as he could to get people to safety, blurring back and forth with only a yellow lightning bolt streak to indicate that he'd been there at all. Green Lantern was rapidly creating anything his mind could imagine: trains, hammers, chainsaws, trucks, and many more things.

"There's too many of them," Bruce called. "We need to take a step back and regroup."

"That's not-" Lantern tried, but Peter harshly cut across him. 

"If I'm not wrong, that ring of yours works off concentration, and all your constructs are breaking apart, which tells me that you aren't concentrating. We need to get our heads on straight, and come up with some sort of strategy to fight these things."

Lantern sulked for a moment, but when his steam engine broke apart, he changed tunes and agreed.

"Uh," Flash started. "Somebody better tell Superman."

Superman had grabbed a nearby truck, and was busy beating scores of aliens into pieces. He launched some into the ocean, and others fell to pieces or were completely crushed by the Kryptonian's strength.

"Whoa," Flash breathed.

"They're taking them into the water," Peter observed.

"He's right," Superman concurred.

"Who?" Lantern asked, completely confused by the turn of the conversation.

"The people," Batman clarified. "They're not killing them. They're taking them somewhere. So what do they want with us?"

The roads of Metropolis started to erupt, letting more of the insectoid aliens out into the streets. To stem the tide, Superman and The Spider worked together once again. They held the line, not letting a single alien past. It got increasingly difficult, but a cry broke their attention.

"Creatures of evil! BACK TO HADES!" came a shout from behind them.

An armoured female charged through the ranks of the aliens. Her sword flashed, and she moved like a bullet, using both a glowing whip and the sword to cleave a path through the invaders.

Peter could hear the stunned reactions from his companions, other than his grim father of course, and just sighed in exasperation. Really? They were in the middle of an invasion, and they were ogling a woman? Now? 

"Focus, please?" He called, absently punching a hole in one of the creatures and using it like a bat to crush three others. "We can talk to her later, but invasion? Anybody?"

That got all of them back on track, and the six heroes worked in tandem to crush the aliens. Eventually, the lines thinned, and the remaining creatures started flying away with their bat-like wings.

"Greetings warriors," the woman greeted. "I followed these things from your capital city."

"Wonder Woman, right?" Peter greeted. "I remember reading about your exploits in that military base. You do good work."

"As do you, Champion of Arachne," Wonder Woman answered courteously. Peter shook his head at the manner of address, before returning his attention to the bay.

"Looks like we scared them off," Lantern crowed victoriously.

"No," Batman cut his celebration off bluntly. "They're assembling." 

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