Axis vs Shadow Society Part 1 - Raven

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Present Day

Earth Prime

"What do we have?" Peter asked sharply as he strode into the Watchtower meeting room. "What's the emergency?"

Around him were the greatest heroes in the world, the Justice League. Along with them were many more miscellaneous heroes, some from other teams, and some lone heroes. Most had gathered here because Dick, Peter's younger brother, had put out a Level 10 emergency notice. 

Clark nodded at Peter from his seat, just like Bruce and Diana did from theirs. Most others greeted him respectfully, if not with a little bit of awe. The Spider was arguably the greatest hero in the world, after all. He was an inspiration to the vast majority of people in the room.

Dick stood forward. He was clad in his signature black and blue suit, which he used to defend Blüdhaven.

"A few hours ago, Raven was kidnapped," he reported. "She was taking a walk through Coast City, but suddenly disappeared."

"How long ago was this," Batman asked lowly.

"Approximately four hours ago," Starfire replied. She was visibly very worried for her best friend.

"And that's not all," Beast Boy continued. He nervously cleared his throat. "We also found traces of magic at the scene. When we called Dr Fate to analyse it, he told us that it bore the signature of Jonathan Postman, A.K.A Professor Perplexity."

Most of the room turned to Peter, who stood there expressionlessly, waiting for the rest of the report. Professor Perplexity (a horrible name given by the Herald) was an extremely adept sorcerer, who was famously an enemy of The Spider.

"I don't think I need to say this, but Raven being kidnapped is a critically dangerous situation," Troia cut in. "She's one of the most magically powerful people on the planet, and we need to move on this yesterday."

There was silence for a moment after that, before Peter finally spoke up. "Agreed," he said, his suit's eyes staring all of them down. "Raven needs to be found. Constantine, can you track her?"

A man in a brown trench-coat in the corner came forward. His ever present cigarette was glowing in his mouth, and he took it out to speak up.

"We are," he replied, gesturing to himself, Zatanna, and the rest of the Justice League Dark. "As soon as we have a hit, we'll let you know."

"Alright," Peter agreed, looking over at the rest of the room. "This is a potential Level 10 situation. We cannot afford any mistakes. Postman is a very slippery, intelligent man, so do not tangle with him. If you see him, call for backup. We'll be there as soon as we can."

Everyone nodded solemnly at his words. Wally West, Kid Flash, looked especially anxious at his words, his worry for his girlfriend shooting through the roof.

Peter gestured at Batman to discuss strategies and teams, before walking away towards the teleporter room. Clark followed him.

"Where're you going?" he asked his friend curiously.

"No one knows these guys better than me, Clark," Peter told him. "And one thing I know for sure is that there's no place on Earth Postman's more comfortable with than New York City. And there's no one he hates more than me."

"You're going to bait him," Clark realised. 

"Like a worm to a fish," Peter confirmed. He flicked a few switches, and the teleporter turned on, glowing a white and buzzing faintly. "I'm heading into the city, alright?"

Clark rested a hand on Peter's shoulder before he left. "Take your own advice," said Clark sternly. "Don't be a hero. Call for backup if you see them."

Peter just scoffed, before walking through. Clark sighed. While he admired and adored Peter, who was probably his best friend, the younger man had a nasty habit of working alone. Even Bruce, notorious for his lone wolf behaviour, had learnt to play well with others. The multitude of Robins could attest to that. Peter, though, was different, which Clark attributed to his previous memories.

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