Day 23

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  As the days passed, the better Hyunjin was progressing. He had no paranoid thoughts, no sudden violence, no mistrust (besides random people whom he didn't know). Hyunjin seemed as if he was cured. Of course, he had him moments where he completely broke down, but strangely it wasn't when Felix was around. Once the boy walked in the door, Hyunjin had the ability to calm down after like five minutes. Those two got really close during this time.

  They frequently visited the six other guys and became really close aswell. Keopi also occasionally was brought in, permission by the higher ups. Today, sadly wasn't one of those days but they were still figuring out a schedule. Soon, Keopi and will be able to come many even every other day.

  Not much happened in the two weeks beside small moments of panic when Hyunjin runs out of snacks but other wise there was nothing interesting. All they did was talk about dogs and their friends in their free time. Never anything deep or meaningful, so not really document worthy.

  "Felixie~" Purred the patient who looked over Felix's shoulder to see what he was doing. "What ate you looking at~?" He asked.

  The blonde gave him a nudge, getting the taller's arm off his shoulder and pulling aeya from his touch. "It's nothing buddy-"

  Hyunjin snatched hisbohone once again with a small smile and looked at what was on his phone. It was his mom sending pictures of Keopi with the message, 'She is sad...'

  The brunette gasped and tossed his phone back to him. "YOU DARE HIDE MY BABY FROM ME?!" He called in disbelief. Felix laughed.

  "I want to keep her cuteness to myself!" He pouted. Hyunjin huffed and pulled the doctor to stand on his own two feet.

  "Come on, you selfish boy, we gotta head to the courtyard. Jisung said that's where we're meeting." He explained, dragging Felix out of the room as he struggled to stuff his phone in his pocket quick enough.

  The patient practically ran down the hall with his hand gripped onto Felix's forearm. He seemed proud of himself yet wanted to hurry. Felix saw that the brunette had some snacks in his pocket and raised an eyebrow in suspicion.

  Once they reached the courtyard, he saw that four of the six were out. Hyunjin slowed his pace and thrashed opened the door to the outside. Seungmin and Jeongin were on Jeongin's laptop watching something and laughing while the two patients were talking quietly. Hyunjin quickly ruined their peace and shoved Changbin over.

  "Move over asshole, I want to sit next to Chan Hyung." He said in pride. The shorter gave him a strong glare before pouncing on him and getting him in a choke hold. Seungmin and Jeongin were now aware and watched in slight caution. Hyunjin scrambled out of the hold and laughed before patting Changbin's thigh. "It's okay Hyung. Jisung can sit next you." He said with a grin.

  "That annoying squirrel can sit on the fucking floor." He growled at him, hitting him in the back. Hyunjin whined out and gave a small frown.

  "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU JUST SAY ABOUT ME?!" Jisung body slammed Changbin and hit him in the nose. The older cried out.

  "Ow what the hell?"

  "What's with this violence today?" Felix asked them before sitting with the two younger doctors, and Minho joining shortly after.

  "He woke up and chose violence Felixie..." Seungmin whispered jokingly as his patient shot him a look of disapproval.

  "Today is the day we all first met twelve years ago," Jisung began, "June 5th, 2011, at 3:37, a meeting with all of our parents united all of us together. Now, I will forever cherish thus moment! We haven't been able to do this in so long!" The man cried, looking at his friend in happiness.

  "It's only 12 Ji'." Changbin snickered, hitting the man on the shoulder causing him to hiss out in pain.


  Felix laughed out before turning his attention to the doctor's who all rolled their eyes and began looking on Jeongin's computer.

  "We were looking at some YouTube videos but we can do other stuff-"

  "Oh hell yeah, no play music. Play that one song that's really good, what's it called again?" Minho told them.

  "Hot by Seventeen?"

  "Shut Down by Black Pink?"

  "ON By BTS?"

  "Zombie by DAY6?"

  "Lonely Boy by Tomorrow X Together?"

  "Black Mamba by Aespa?"

  "Son of a Beast by TO1?"

  "WHICH SONG?!" Jeongin began to shake Minho, overflowing him with kpop songs and becoming more and more irritated.

  Seungmin just ended up playing his Spotify Playlist and begin to cry his eyes out to some sad songs with Jeongin. Both of them were hard-core KPOP stans.

  Felix knew some of the songs but definitely not all of them, he himself enjoyed Kpop wasn't really into any of the groups that much. Minho was clueless what kpop was. He had no idea what any of the people's name were, let alone what group was what group. He literally called ENHYPEN, GOT X Together....

  "You are no longer my hyung. Get out of my sight." Seungmin sobbed, holding into Felix for dear life while he himself was clueless to who the group was.

  "Uhhh- so if that's not the groups name what is it?..."

  "ITS FUCKING ENHYPEN DUMBASS!!" Jeongin leaped onto Felix and shook him crazily. Felix yelped and began to run away from Jeongin who chased after him in anger. Seungmin began to sprint after Minho who was crying after being traumatized by said boy.

  The patients stared at their doctor's in anxiety, worried about if they fell or worse... if one of them tripped on a rock and impaled themselves and began to bleed our and die. What if someone got a concussion... what if they broke a bone?  What if they lost their memories???

  Their anxiety was fitting close to its peak as Felix began slowlying down and Jeongin wasn't wavering his speed. The blonde screamed and attempted to out run the quick boy. Jeongin pounced onto Felix, tackling him onto the grass. Both Chan and Hyunjin stood up in concern while the other two had their eyes on them.

  "YOU FRICKEN DEMON GET YOUR ASS OFF ME!!!" Felix demanded in laughter, pushing Jeongin onto the side of him as he sat up, laughing. Minho ran towards the two before attempting to jump past Jeongin. The two on the ground grabbed the elders legs and pulled him back, Minho fell onto the grass as well. Seungmi  quickly sat on top of the oldest to prevent him from moving. All of them began to laugh after the redhead was pushed to the grass as well.

  Still, the anxiety lurked in the brains of the patients as they looked at the dog pile of their doctor's as they couldn't control their laughter. After a bit, they all seemed they relax.

  That day, the patients got chased and tackled as well. By eachother. It was Hilarious to see Jisung cry for help as Changbin was close to strangling him. Hyunjin watched and laughed his ass off at them while Chan was forced in the middle of the tight strangled squished in the middle of Jisung and Changbin.

  That was indeed a great day. A good one for all of them.

(A/N: Double Update :O)

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